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As an inhabitant of our great nation, the only nation, you will follow the regulations outlined below. Failure to do so will result in penalization and detainment. These guidelines have been created to protect you, the people, to ensure a safe environment.

1. Every citizen is obligated to participate in patriotic events and adhere to the nation's ideals. It is by the grace and mercy of this country that you are kept unharmed.

2. Possession of any foreign object will result in imprisonment and penalization.

3. Assimilation is mandatory. Differences are to be respected so long as they do not conflict with the nation's ideals. We are one nation and one people.

4. No person is permitted to own any firearms or potentially dangerous weapons unless their job requires them to do so in order to maintain peace.

5. Creative media must undergo a reviewing process in order to assure that it does not contain any potentially destructive messages.

6. Be aware that anything you say, do, or write can result in penalization.

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