Bad Ideas

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His laugh echoed in my ears, his smile sending sparks through my body every time I closed my eyes. I'd done nothing all day. What was there to do? Apologize. Other than that, what was there to do? I knew I'd fucked up, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times. Everything was just a mess, and it didn't help that anyone I would normally talk to about this was involved. My phone had been silent all day, no daily texts from the group chat, no snapchats from Ryland, Morgan or Shane. Obviously, I wasn't expecting anything from Garrett... I missed him.

I'd decided to spend my night watching the Harry Potter movies, yeah I know probably not a good idea considering it was Garrett's whole world, but I figured if he loved them so much, maybe I would too. Halfway into the second movie, I feel my phone buzz for the first time all day. Apart of me didn't want to check it because I knew it wasn't going to be him, but I wanted so badly for it to be. I check my phone, it was a notification, and his name was on my screen, but it was just an Instagram live post. Without thinking I clicked on the notification. Bad idea.

Ryland's face appears on my phone, so I guess he was filming then, "Just having a grand and good and fun time!!! Shane! say hi!"
"Oh helloooo." Shane peeks his head into the frame briefly and then disappears.
"Wait, I wanna be in it!" Morgan pops up out of nowhere, "Look at my new Gucci slides!"
"Morgan that joke is so old, we're all about Louis now..." Roland rolls his eyes as his sister brings her foot towards the camera.
"Yeah, but recent events have caused me to focus my money elsewhere via you making me move into the creepy ass haunted apartment."
"Hey! That was your idea.." Ryland looks into the camera with a wince or embarrassment on his face.
"Where's my phone?" Garrett. I missed him. My heart stops and then suddenly begins to race. "Ryland have you seen- Wait what are you doing? That's my phone!" Garrett appears on the screen and reaches for his phone.
"I'm just showing everyone what they're missing out on! And that is a good and fun and fresh time! Sister James says that good and fun and fre-"

The live stream ended.

Ouch. If that wasn't the most direct slap in the face. I think Garrett slapping me in the face would hurt less. I lock my phone and toss it on the opposite side of the couch. Whatever. I didn't care, they could be mad, I'd fix it later.

But how?

I didn't know.

It was a bad idea. Like a really bad idea. Like Tanacon was a good idea compared to this bad idea.

"Having a movie night. Come over?"

Yeah. It was a bad idea.

"Hey!" I open the door and let her in, she looked good, but it was nothing compared to how I felt when I saw him. Damn it.

"Hey! Long time no talk, it's good to see you." She hugs me and walks into my place. This was a mistake. I shut the door.

"So... do you want anything to drink?" I walk towards the fridge.

"Uh yeah, sure." She sets her things on the table.

"I have beer and uh chocolate milk..." It was actually Garrett's, this was a bad idea. She laughs.

"I'll actually have chocolate milk, I haven't had that in years." I roll my eyes inwardly, how could she not drink chocolate milk? It was the best of the milks. I get out two glasses and pour us both chocolate milk. "So Harry Potter, huh? Let me guess, Garrett is making you watch them?" It stings to hear someone else say his name.

"Ehh. No, it was my choice, I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. I hope you don't mind, I'm on the second one." She shrugs and shakes her head.

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