I Won't Break His Heart

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Omg my first A/N

Okay, so I made the mistake of trying to make an "edit" of Andrew and Garrett and it's actually kind of decent, so I may be posting that along with the next chapters it really just depends on how long it takes me to edit it.

Also! I have a Tumblr where I posted a tiny excerpt of it if you guys wanted to check it out.

Tumblr - ohandrewthankyousodamnmuch 

Of course, I would love any feedback you guys have or any input on things that might happen or could happen. I'm trying to make this fic as realistic as possible, so I'm trying to capture each guy within the personality we're shown through Youtube and social media! If there is anything I can do to make this fic more enjoyable for you please don't hesitate to message me on here or Tumblr! I am looking forward to this story, and I have many things planned. 

The amount of feedback I've gotten already is amazing! Thank you for reading my fic! 

- N


It'd been weeks since the date, and the secret of me liking Garrett was eating me alive. The more I thought about it, the more that I began to realize what a terrible curse it was. How could I possibly have a crush on my best friend? Was I absolutely insane? It's like I wanted to ruin this amazing friendship between the two of us... And for what? What exactly would come of me telling him how I felt? Well for starters, I wouldn't have the butterflies every time he showed up at Shanes for a video idea, or every time we hung out casually. And it's not like I could avoid him ever without feeling an immense amount of guilt. I loved spending time with him, and I knew he had fun too, but things were getting hard. Although things hadn't quite worked out with Patrick and Garrett, there was another man. One that had Garrett eating out of the palm of his hand.

I'd been upset about it at first, but then Shane had assured me that it was for the better, for now at least and to not think about it too much. Which was hard when I had Garrett Watts as my best friend. It seemed that all we talked about was him and his boyfriend, Chris. It'd been hard to accept, and it still sucked majorly every time he brought him up, but what could I do? I wasn't about to tell him how I felt, Shane had been right. It would absolutely destroy the friendship, and now? With Garretts new man, there was just no way.

A text lights up my phone, and I look to see who it could be.

"Hey, Siwicki!!! I was wondering if you'd like to come to get some frozen yogurt with me and Chris? Haven't seen you in a while! Miss ya." - Garrett

I'm torn between going and staying. If I said yes, then I'd have to deal with Garrett and Chris eye fucking all night, and if I said no, then I'd have the guilt of not hanging out with Garrett.

"I can't today, miss you too!" I respond, keeping it short and hopefully cordial. I couldn't afford to have another incident like the one a few months back.

He doesn't text me back, and I'm glad. I lock my phone and decide that sleep is the best option for now, I could figure out something to do with Garrett tomorrow. Everything would be okay. It had to be.

And then I had the dream.

His arms were wrapped tightly around my body, hugging me close. He smelled so good, I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but the scent was so comforting. I could feel myself melting away into his comforting embrace.

"I wish you were mine," I whispered, my heart breaking as he let go.

"Why can't I be?" He pulled the two of us apart and brought his hands up to my face, cupping it gently.

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