Do You Miss Andrew?

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"He's just been so distant lately, it fucking sucks." I pout, crossing my arms dramatically. I sit in my newly cleaned living room, Chris sitting beside me. It'd been a few weeks since I'd sent an invite to Andrew asking him to hang out, and of course he'd declined (yet again). SO annoying.

"Babe, maybe he just needs some space. He and Shane have been working so hard on the new documentary, cut him some slack." I sigh, knowing he's completely correct.

"You're right, I should ease up a little." I smile at Chris, how had I gotten so lucky? He smiles back, squeezing my hand gently.

"What do you want to do today?"

"I need to film a new video for my channel... I was thinking about doing a Q and A? Would you want to do it with me? I could also do like a boyfriend tag thing if that's something you'd be interested in."

"Of course, I think it'd be fun!" I smile, enthusiastically.

"Oh good! This will be fun! And we can get snacks and make it a whole day activity!!" I feel myself beginning to get excited. Chris chuckles slightly to himself. It was a bittersweet moment, typically it'd be Andrew doing the laughing at this moment. I shouldn't be thinking about Andrew being in Chris' place. I internally scold myself.

"Are you okay, babe?" I snap out of it, the touch of Chris startling me.

"Huh? Oh! Yeah! Sorry, I was just... just uh thinking about all the snacks."

"I see," He grins widely, "Well I for one am excited to spend all of today with you in your natural habitat. I feel like we haven't been able to hang out as much lately, and I know it's my fault. Work is just kicking my ass." I place a kiss on his forehead and bring him closer to me.

"It's okay babe, I know you wish you could be here with me all the time, I'm just glad you're here now. I missed you!" He smiles again and kisses me softly on the cheek.

"Of course, I missed you more Gar." I freeze. Gar. Only Andrew called me that. Man, I missed him so much.

"Still thinking about snacks, my love?"

"Huh?" I snap out of whatever trance I'd been in, one that'd mainly had my mind stuck on Andrew. "Oh, yeah... Hey! Would you go get some snacks? I'll set up here and by the time you get back we can start filming?" He nods, again still smiling.

"Of course, anything in particular you want?" Andrew would know what I want.

"Uh, no... Just whatever!" I lie, at this point even saying what I wanted seemed pointless if all it would do was remind me of Andrew.

"Okay!! I'll be back soon!" I nod as he kisses me on the forehead, getting up to leave. I watch as he grabs his things, looking back at me, a smile still stuck on his face.

"Okay!" He leaves, and a wave of guilt instantly rushes through my body. I feel like crying, this wasn't right. I couldn't be thinking of Andrew, I couldn't be imagining Andrew in Chris' position, it was wrong. It was so wrong, and I knew it.

I started setting up my camera and lights in the living room across from the couch, I took to Twitter to set the alert that I was filming a Q&A, and left it at that. I guess it didn't take as long as I'd anticipated, and sending Chris to the store alone had been somewhat of a subconscious decision to get him out of the house for a bit. I needed time to decompress, I reach for the bottle of whiskey on the counter from the kitchen. I know I shouldn't but I ignore the voice in my head telling me not to and pour a bit into a glass. The liquid burns down my throat, leaving my body feeling warm and tingly. I pour another glass before putting it up, I knew when to stop, and two felt good for now. I could feel the stress melt away for the time being and felt better instantly.

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