So You're Going On A Date

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"Yeah... I believe you, but just answer me this," He pauses for a second, "If you really didn't like him in that way, if you really believed that you two were just friends and that you don't know what you'd do without him, why didn't you just tell him what was wrong the first time? Why did you lie to him? You said it yourself the other night, you don't lie to Garrett. But that night you did... If you really believed that you were just best friends, why would you hide your feelings from him? SO yes. I believe that you think that you two are just best friends, I really do. But you're not, you're more than that."

"Okay... I think that's enough." And it doesn't come out mean, it doesn't come out bitchy, at all and I'm proud of myself. I take a deep breath and stand from my side of the bed. Shane's face remains expressionless as he gets up as well. He knew he was right, I knew he was right, anyone with eyes should know that he was right. "We should go out there... They're probably wondering what's taking so long." I walk out of my room, Shane follows.

He looked so good. But actually he didn't, he looked sad, I walk over to him.

"Hey Garrett?" He looks up from his phone, he smiles.


"Can we talk?" I put my hand on his shoulder, seeing him like this fucking sucked.

"Yeah, of course."

"My room?" He nods and follows me to my room, "So... I just really wanted to apologize," I begin as I shut the door.

"Wait. Hold on." Garrett stands at the foot of the bed, his hands clasped together. "So, I've been trying not to freak out about this, and you seem okay now, but I just can't not say anything..."

"Garrett, what's wrong?"

"You said you didn't care about life? What... What did you mean by that? Like obviously I know that you... Well, actually I don't know, I-I don't know anything it seems, and I really just want to make sure that you're okay because I care a shit ton about you. I just... I guess what I'm saying is that I really... I'm really worried about you." I feel awful. But, I also feel good and I knew it was awful, I shouldn't be happy that Garrett was worried about me.

"I'm okay," I pause, Garrett gives me a look that says 'I know you're not okay, tell me what's going on or I'll sit on you.' I sigh. "Okay. Garrett, while I did say what I did about life, I didn't mean it. I mean... I meant it, but not in a serious way. I guess... Ugh okay." I stop talking, feeling myself begin to get serious, remembering the awful experience of the past few days, the getting drunk, the yelling, the sad Andrew experience. "I've been I don't know... I just haven't been feeling like myself lately, and I guess for some reason instead of me manning up, and dealing with it, I've just kind of I don't know... I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be okay. I just want to make sure you and I are good... So are we?"

"Oh Andrew, of course, we are. I don't know why you would think we weren't! I've missed you, and you swear you'll let me know if you're not okay?" I smile and nod.

"Of course."


"We could all dress up as characters from Stranger Things and ask people if they've seen Will!!!!"

Shane rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Okay, that is the dumbest idea ever."

"Hey!! I think it's a great idea... Andrew?"

"No, Garrett, that's an awful idea." I say, remembering  the time I filmed him walking around town in an IT costume.

"Well, boo you too then!" I chuckle as he pouts and crosses his arms. He was so cute.

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