I Want To Do Life With You

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A/ N: this is the last chapter, my friends. I hope you've all enjoyed this cryfest. I did not expect for this fic to get this much attention, I know it's not the best fic, and I know that it probably has a lot of mistakes and plot holes, but I had fun writing it. I hope to see you all on here again, hopefully, if I decide to write another fic you all will continue to support my semi ok writing that definitely involves too many "..." and commas, lol. ANYWAYS I WILL STOP TALKING.

A/ N; OMG THE REAL REASON I EVEN INCLUDED AN AUTHORS NOTE. I was able to upload my gandrew video to youtube, so it will be above in the media thingy (idk what it is called) but I hope you guys enjoy :)


"So how are things with Andrew?"

"I mean, we're friends."

"Is that it? I thought you two had something?"

"Me too."

"So you don't then?"

"I don't even know."

"What do you mean you don't even know?"

"I mean, I don't know."

"Well have you asked him?"

"A thousand times."


"And? He doesn't even know."

"What do you mean he doesn't know?"

"Shane. I'm going to murder you if you keep asking me questions."

"Okay, whoa, I didn't realize this was such a touchy subject here."

"Well, it is."




"I mean... He assures me that he wants to be with me, then proceeds to tell me why we shouldn't be together, then tells me he wants me to kiss him, and then tells me he can't lose me, so, therefore, he can't date me."

"Wait, why does he think he'll lose you?"

"I don't know."

"Doesn't that have to do with your end more though? Did you ever think about his feelings while you were dating Chris? How much it probably hurt him to learn that you'd gotten back with him, even after... you know."

"I honestly hadn't thought about that."

"Something to think about for sure, I mean if my crush went back to his abusive ex and told me that their ex still loved them I'd be hesitant too."

"You think Andrew thinks I have feelings for Chris still?"

"I mean, no, not necessarily feelings for Chris, but did you ever address you guys breaking up?"

"I mean, no but I didn't think it was that important."

"All I know is that if it were me? I'd want to know that you didn't have any leftover feelings for Chris. Not that you do, or that you would but this whole thing is so new to him."

"What whole thing? Relationships? Look, I know he's just come out as bi, and that is so great, I am so happy for him honestly. But, I feel like he's using that as a huge excuse. I mean come on, if I were a girl we would've already gone out on at least two dates."

"I guess you're right, but everyone is different Garrett. I understand your frustration, trust me. I just also see where Andrew is coming from. I went through that same situation and it was so hard, never knowing which decision would be the right one, never knowing how to handle myself once it became public knowledge-"

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