Done Hiding

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"Hey... Can we talk? Please?"

"We're talking right now." Shane nudges me and mouths the words 'be nice' I roll my eyes but nod my head as if to say 'yes sir'



"Can we meet somewhere and talk?" Shouldn't you be worried about your boyfriend beating you? Is what I wanted to say. I choose to bite my tongue instead.

"I'm busy."

Shane nudges me again, "no, you're not," he whispers, "go hang out with him." I shake my head no.

"Is that Shane? Are you with Shane?"



Shane nudges me again, "Invite him over." I shake my head quickly, that was not about to happen. He gives me a look and grabs the phone from me.

"Garrett? Hi! Yes, it's Shane. We would LOVE for you to come hang out tonight." He pauses for a second, listening intently. "Just come... No, it'll be fine, you two need to tal-" I reach for my phone, an attempt to well, I didn't really know. Shane holds the phone far from my reach. "Andrew!!! Chill! He's coming over in ten. Okay, bye, Garrett!!" He hangs up and tosses my phone at me.

"Why the hell did you do that?" I feel myself begin to get physically angry, my fists curl into little balls and all I want to do is punch something, anything. "I am NOT ready to talk to him."

"Then why'd you answer the phone?"

He had a point.

"I... well, to make sure he was okay? Because I'm a good friend."

"You answered it because you miss him and you want to fix things between you two."

"I answered it because I wanted to make sure his boyfriend hadn't beaten the shit out of him, and that he wasn't calling for help."


"Well, it's the truth."

No one speaks and we stay quiet until the doorbell rang.

"Fuck." I glare at Shane, "I can't believe you invited him over here."

"Hey! You could've left..."

"Oh, bullshit! You wouldn't have let me, plus... I'm not that mean." 

Ryland lets Garrett in, "Garrett!!!" Shane hops up from the couch and runs over to his friend, hugging him gently. "I know I just saw you last night, but... Well, yeah, ew I don't know why I hugged you."


It hurts to look at him, I can tell he's sad and tired. I didn't want this, I wanted him to be happy all of the time. I wanted him to be happy with me. I'm staring, and I know I'm staring but I can't stop. I just had missed him so much, and even though I was angry at him, I couldn't let that stand in the way of us anymore, whether it was us as friends, or us as more than friends.

"Andrew, uh can we?" He motions for me to follow him to the media room.

"Uh, yeah... Yeah, okay." I get up from the couch, shooting Shane a glare for making this happen tonight. I had meant what I'd said when I said I wasn't ready.

"So... About last night," I stop him there.

"It's really not a big deal, and I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

A Guy Like Me (Gandrew)Where stories live. Discover now