Seize the day - Patroclus

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I hummed The Newsies, getting ready for school as Briseis made her nasty matcha stuff in the kitchen. Over the summer she had discovered Starbucks matcha lattes and now her tongue was perpetually green with tea. I personally thought it tasted like grass, and she had called me a moron.

"It's a plant, dumbass! That's what plants taste like!"

Anyway. Achilles had already left, like he always did, at 5:00 for track practice, which he had to leave to go to band practice, which he had to leave to go to school, which we both left and went to drama. Fun.

Bri walked through the living room, tossing stuff into her backpack as she went. Her long strait hear and bangs shone in the dim lamplight from the old, garage sale hand-me-down I received from my father, which also happened to be my one going away present from him. Fun.

Bri held her purse, backpack, and matcha with one hand, phone cradled in the other. She took a sip and looked up at me."We should get going, it's like 7:45." She took another sip and we headed towards my car. My car was the only thing I had to be proud of, an obnoxious yellow Jeep with a sunroof. Not that it had ever been cracked, though. Too dangerous.

When we got to school, Achilles was waiting out front for me and Briseis. He was sweaty, and carried his cello case in one hand, backpack on his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed me, and Bri stuck her green tongue out. When we started dating half a year ago, last summer, she had played match maker.

Now, she was bored and said we were like an old married couple, which we were a little bit, I have to admit.

She was one of my closest friends ever since she transferred here about three weeks into the school year. Homer high, home of the Trojans. I don't even know what our mascot is supposed to be, it's just a guy in a chiton looking agro. Me, Bri and Achilles think it's stupid. Valid opinions, I know.

Me and Achilles lockers were right by each other's, whereas Briseis's was farther off, but still close by. Achilles had insisted upon writing with permanent sharpie on his locker "Dating this idiot" with an arrow pointing to my locker. He got a detention that he thought was a war prize, and still boasted about it today. Cute dumbass.

We pulled apart from Briseis and walked to our respective lockers, putting away our stuff and walking to our first class, which for me and Achilles was Calculus. We waited the rest of the day until lunch, and then snuck into Mr. Chiron's room, which was actually just the library.

He was awesome, and let us eat lunch there, and hang out and skip class to "help shelve books". He was also the Drama director, so the club kids were his favorites.

We finished the rest of our day and headed to the auditorium. Chairs were set in a circle on the stage, and we sat around. Me next to Achilles, Bri on my right, and Deidameia to the left of Achilles. She was the one mistake he could never shake.

She was the crazy ex girlfriend everybody had, and he was gay. Deia was the worst, and she hated me more than anything, because I allegedly "stole her man." He tried to shake her by being blatantly obvious that he was taken, but she didn't seem to pick up on it.

Once, she tried to hit on me out of spite. I'm the bi one and I still hate her. Anyway, Chiron walked into the auditorium and sat down with coffee. We were doing Romeo and Juliet because we're classical bitches. Of course Achilles was Romeo, and of course Deidameia was Juliet.

I won't be surprised if one of them doesn't make it home tonight.We were reading on the script, and Odysseus felt like he had to make wisecracks on every line. He was Juliet's father. Go figure.

"Romeo, Romeo, Where art thow Romeo- I am hence So do plea might you find it upon yourself the willingness to prepare thee a sandwich. Eth.."

Deia rolled her eyes,"Stop ruining my scenes you ass!" As they launched into a pro screaming  match and Achilles leaned forward, elbows on his knees, hands in his face. We would be here a while.

A/N If you like this story, know that it isn't my idea. As in the description, I gave a disclaimer that. This prompt belonged to MountainMoth, and they gave me permission to write up a full story. Thank you!

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