Golden ticket - Patroclus

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A week passed, and Achilles mother decided to visit. Lovely.

Thetis never really got along with me, she thought I wasn't good enough for her golden boy. Obviously Achilles disagreed, as we were a happy couple, but she never seemed to get over her initial dislike/distrust. We were sitting on my bed, semi-cuddling and watching The Exorcist, again, almost Halloween, when she stormed in.

When we first moved into our apartment, she demanded to have a key so she could "not spy" on us. She loved to barge in unannounced. Achilles, bless his soul, actually threw me off the bed in his surprise and panic.

I landed on the floor and he started in surprise as Thetis threw open the door, Briseis scuttling away in the background, trying not to be noticed.

Thetis glared down at me on the floor, the girl doing a freaky back bend on the screen, and Achilles on the bed, looking even more scared than he had been before. Achilles shot me a look that said,"I'm sorry for my superhuman strength, I'm scared but I love you also we are most definitely going to die." At least I thought that's what it meant.

"What were you...doing?" She asked in her raspy voice. I gulped and looked at Achilles, who stared back at my pointedly. When he saw that I wasn't coming to his rescue he rolled his eyes.

She glided across the floor, stopping in front of the bed."How's school?" Even though she knew. She keeps tabs on him all the time. The only time she hadn't was when we stayed at a summer drama club thing. Mr. Chiron was the director, and that's when we first got together. It bothered her endlessly, and she kept on trying to get what happened out of us.

Damn, that woman is scary. She and Achilles had a quiet staring contest before she stormed out of the room, giving me a glare that would freeze the metaphorical hell over. I sat up and he started laughing. I snorted."I don't think it's very funny!"

He stopped and looked at me."You're right. It's hilarious." I laughed and climbed up onto the bed, resuming our movie stance."You know I don't believe what she says about you, right?" He said as the credits were rolling. I smiled up at him and pressed closer."You better not, asshat."

He looked mock offended and placed a hand over his heart."And you say you love me!" I silenced him by pressing our lips together. At that moment, Briseis thought it would be good to burst through the door and turn on the lights."WAKE UP ASSHOLES!"

Finding us in the middle of a moment, she giggled and closed the door, but not before taking a picture."Briseis I swear to actual Satan I will murder you, delete that photo, and publish your search history." She squealed and ran, weaving through furniture.

I gave chase, and she hopped on the couch, even though she was now only at my head level. She whined,"Why are you so tall, I can't even evade you properly!" I rolled my eyes and plucked the phone from her hand, to find she had already posted the photo to Instagram.

I growled and tried to delete it, but she snatched it back."No! It's staying on there forever!" Achilles, who had taken his leisurely time strolling into the living room, raised an eyebrow."Why is Bri on the couch?" She laughed and hopped down lightly, and calmly poured herself some orange juice.

   Sipping like a smug villainess, she smirked and pointed at us."you guys are gonna be insta famous!" Achilles rolled his eyes and snatched the glass from her hand, gulping and putting it in the sink."I know. We're adorable." I slapped hi: on the arm, and he didn't flinch.

   Screw my "I don't posses emotions or the capability to feel pain" Boyfriend. His arm was rock hard. He grinned and jabbed me in ribs with his index finger, at just the right spot. My breath whooshed out of my stomach, and I feebly tried to ward him off. He laughed and released the pressure, and raised one eyebrow.

   "Leave the fighting to me." I stuck my tongue out at him, and Bri giggled as she skipped into her room, probably to practice karate or whatever martial art she was into now."At this point, she's gonna be better at beating people up than I am."

   Achilles flopped on the couch and picked up the remote."You wanna watch something?" I sat down next to him, and we began to search through the channels.

   "Oh look! Charlie's Chocolate Factory is on!"

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