My Shot - Achilles

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   Me and Pat walked home from drama with Briseis. Me and Pat held hands, and she texted avidly on her iPhone. Bri had been learning Greek recently, and loved to curse us out in it. She said it was more fun to make people insecure, not know what you were saying about them.

   Hardy har har.

   She looked over at us and snorted. "βασανιστικός". Pat reached over and took her phone from her hand, holding it high in the air. He was taller than even me, so there was no way she could get it. She made a finger gun with one hand and pointed it at me.

   "If you don't give it back I'll kill your boyfriend." I batted her hand away and snorted,"I'd like to see you try!" She looked indignant and started to yell at us.

   I laughed, exchanged a look with Patroclus, and he gave her phone back, and she returned to scrolling through Chryses' Snapchat story. She harrumphed and looked at her screen.

   "Apparently Chryses is dating Agamemnon now. Huh? I thought her dad was like, super protective. Isn't his friend like, on the school board advisory counsel?" I didn't really care to be honest, it was all just girl stuff. Pat however, looked concerned."I dunno?"

   They engaged in conversation while I admired him. He wore a light cream sweater today, light skinny jeans and red converse, with his glasses on his nose. He looked like, really gay. Of course he had a boyfriend and that was me, so I shouldn't be complaining.

   We reached our small apartment, and Pat, the responsible one, produced the key. We trouped inside. I made a grilled cheese, and Pat made a salad (he's a stupid hipster vegan). We went to my room and lounged around, scrolling through Instagram and half watching the Office on Netflix.

   The next day, as I got to school super early, sipping coffee and waiting on the track for practice to start, I shivered against the cold wind. I wish Patroclus were here. Sometimes he came in the mornings to wait with me, and those were the best mornings.

After band, I went to the front of the school and waited for him and Bri, like always. His glasses were crooked and I swallowed the urge to adjust them as I quickly kissed him, said hello, swung an arm around his shoulder and flipped Briseis of in one fluid motion.

He shrugged my arm around his shoulder off, and grabbed my hand instead. We passed Odysseus, one of the seniors in the hallway, and he glanced at our entwined hands and smirked."Cute." I used my free hand to flip him off, as well. Patroclus slapped my arm and told me to stop it.

In language arts, the one class I didn't have Pat in because he was so smart he was taking college courses, Deia insisted on being my partner for this stupid project thing. She is so annoying, always trying to f up my actually perfect relationship.

She can't accept the fact that I'm the gay one, and that she was a very big mistake, but my mom liked her and thought we would be a good match. Ugh. When school ended, we headed to drama. This time, we got there early enough that we could all sit by each other.

Almost half of the other members were missing, stupid flu season.We just did improv the entire two hour period because we couldn't do any scenes, with so many people out. We went home, did our grilled cheese, salad, and office routine, than went to bed after watching The Sixth Sense, since Halloween was in like, a week.

Halloween is actually my favorite holiday, not a lot of people know that about me. I love being someone different than who I'm supposed to be. I dunno, the only two people I would consider my friends would be Pat and Bri, obviously. People want to be friends with me, but they just want my popularity, which is dumb, but whatever.

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