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A New Start and Some Truths

(y/n)'s POV

I kept my eyes closed for a while and the only thought I was having was about him "Why is he like that?" when I reached my limit I opened my eyes and tried to think about myself I then stood up and moved to the cupboard where he had placed all my belongings which were my clothes that I wore at the time of incident a bracelet and a pendent I never dared to look at them with him in the house but now I was alone. I took the things out my pendent was pretty it had a delicate red stone flower and then I looked at my bracelet it was a plain strip but something was written on it I focused it was (L/N)(Y/N) perfectly carved in the bracelet I then thought maybe this was my name and now it occurred to me why Tsurugi never called me by my name because he didn't knew it What a fool I am I thought to myself so my name is (y/n) well not bad I guess I got to know it in time before I headed out to explore I chuckled and then were my ragged clothes I took a look at them they were like a uniform of some sort but then I remembered something when I woke up and found myself in here, in this house for the first time after being unconscious for four days, I wasn't wearing this then who changed my clothes I thought for a while then it occurred to me No one lives here and at that time it was just the two of us in the house so does that mean HE....My eyes widened my face started to burn I was blushing hard at the thought Oh No.....

End of POV

No one's POV

Tsurugi was standing in what looked like a throne room but of the modern era it was dark there and a person was sitting in front him he was staring down at the boy "So Tsurugi where have you been without informing us?" he inquired Tsurugi looked up he kept his cool and calm composure "My apologies Holy Emperor for leaving without informing you one of relatives got terribly injured so I needed to go "he lied plainly but Holy Emperor wasn't convinced he stood up and walked to the boy and stood parallel to him, side to side, "Ah so you went for your cousin or should I say teleported?" Tsurugi's eyes widened but he kept quiet "I know Tsurugi you have that bracelet and by now you must have figured out what it does it's a way to travel to different times, dimensions and parallel worlds." So I was right Tsurugi thought to himself "Well and I don't know why you took it but I want you to return it to Fifth Sector." "But why and how such an advanced technology is present here in Fifth Sector what's this about? What are Second Stage Chil..." Holy Emperor cut him off "That's none of you business boy do as you're said and serve Fifth Sector I hope you don't want to lose the amount of money required for you brother Yuuichi's surgery" Tsurugi went silent and slowly removed the bracelet from his wrist and gave it back to Holy Emperor "Well it's a good decision to follow my orders now I have job for you or you can say punishment for sneaking in and taking my property" Tsurugi bowed with one hand on his heart "Whatever Holy Emperor commands" "Well within two days I'll be sending you to Raimon Jr. High I want their pathetic soccer club to be shut down for good but if they prove themselves worthy to be useful then you must stay there and look over their action and whatever they do you'll be answerable" Holy Emperor ended and Tsurugi bowed to him "I will destroy Raimon and its soccer" he smirked and left.

End of POV

Tsurugi's POV

Holy Emperor has given me chance I won't fail and let him down I have to do this for nii-san.

End of POV

(y/n)'s POV

After the realization of the embarrassing truth about my clothing and what happened I just couldn't help blush I scolded myself for thinking too much I was mad at him how dare he but at the same time I knew he didn't do anything with bad intention he saved my life and right now that was the biggest truth so I tried to focus on other things I was alone at home (I guess I could call it home since I am living here) My name, my identity is (l/n)(y/n) and I need to live despite the fact that I don't remember my parents or anything about my past. I put my belongings back in the cupboard again just took the bracelet in case I forgot my name again the idea was stupid. I then locked the house and walked out everything there was new to me first I decided to enroll myself in a school I started to roam around keeping track of my way in case I got lost it was almost afternoon now and I felt hungry, before going Tsurugi has left some money for me I was guilty I must have bothered him a lot. I then found a sushi restaurant, I went inside and ordered Ramen the owner was a strange looking person with deep set eyes while he served my order I asked him about schools he stared at me but answered anyway "The nearest Junior High Schools to this place are Musashi Junior High 4 blocks away, Chiben Gakuen 6 blocks away to east and Raimon Junior High 5 blocks west." I nodded "Well which one of them has the best reputation?"he was now doing his work when he answered "Well Musashi is a normal school it has no specialty, and Chiben Gakuen is known for smart kids but the most popular over the nation is Raimon Jr. High it has earned a reputation for soccer ten years ago and the national team consisted of seven students from Raimon." He was smiling "Hey kid are you new here?" his all of a sudden frankly behavior took me off guard I thought for a while before answering "Yeah I got here about a week ago." I kept my answer short and began to eat so Raimon Jr. is the most reputed in school in Japan I thought to myself while eating well maybe I should go there well there's no harm visiting I paid for food and walked out of the shop So 5 blocks west huh? I started walking in the direction and soon found the building I went inside and looked around well I liked the look of it, it had soccer fields and facilities maybe I'll join a soccer club let's see? I gathered information the First years were coming in two days I thanked them and enrolled myself right away and got the uniform and books.

End of POV


Me: *crying*

Tsurugi: *peeps in* 

Me: *glares at him with teary eyes*

Tsurugi: *sweat drops* I need to take of some thing Min'na, hope you liked the chapter don't forget to vote and comment on Harl-san's story. *dodges a slipper thrown by me*

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