Chapter 18

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Smells Good!

(y/n)’s POV

After dinner I came back to my room I just can’t stop the butterflies rising in my stomach, tomorrow I have a dinner date with him, I opened my cupboard but I had never bought clothes for such occasions. I was now thinking and cursing myself why I didn't see this coming. It was like all my fantasies that were just beginning to rise my mind were again locked up. I threw myself on bed and grabbed my phone, suddenly my mind clicked and I dialed Aoi's number, she picked up after three rings.

“Hello Aoi!”

“Yeah Hello (y/n), Is everything alright? Calling at this time, are you okay?” she asked and I checked time for the first time this evening it was 11:05 PM of course she would be surprised.

“Yeah Aoi Everything is more than alright, I just needed your help.”

“Help?” she asked confused.

“Tsurugi has asked me to a date, tomorrow we’re going to spend the whole day out at river bank playing soccer after that he’ll take me to dinner.”
I told her and she went wild.

“NANI? A DINNER DATE? SUGOIIII (amazing).” She screamed in my ear with joy I smiled while putting a finger in my other ear and pinching my eyes as a reflection to her shrill voice.

"Yeah and that’s why I need your help, it’s our first date and I never bothered shopping for such occasions also I am an idiot when it comes to stuff like getting ready and girly things.” I told her my problem.

“No big deal just come over to my place and I’ll have everything ready for you, he won’t be able to look away from you tomorrow.” She chuckled.

“Arigatou Aoi, I owe you this one.” I thanked her.

“Come at my place at 5:30 PM and ask him to pick you up from here.” Aoi instructed me.

 “Okay Bye, See you tomorrow then.” I said

“Yeah Bye” Aoi replied.

I hung up. Tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life. I thought and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up early butterflies were fluttering in my stomach making it impossible for me to sit still. I freshened up and changed to my casual clothes. I walked out of the room, it was so quite I headed to the kitchen and made breakfast for the two of us. I took the tray and went upstairs to his room It’s my turn now to wake him up I giggled, I opened the door of his room it was dark curtains were still on the window and he was sleeping. I placed the tray on the table and looked at him, he looked so innocent while sleeping. I walked closer and sat beside him on the bed, I couldn’t help brushing my fingers in his hair then I remembered how he used to wake me up when I first came here, yeah at his house I have nowhere else to live I don’t know who are my parents and where they are, Will they be looking for me? They must be worried I wish I could be with them too although I don’t remember anything but I feel the connection I miss them, and yet here he is I wonder where his parents are? He never mentioned them. I looked at him again how many things are there I still don’t know about you? I wondered, I loved him more than anything now the first day when I saw him I felt I knew him since a long time but he told me that we have never met before not even heard about each other. Was he lying back then? ‘Cause at least I would have know him the familiarity that I felt back then and still now, this feeling can’t be baseless. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a hand holding on to mine. I looked at him again, he was still asleep. I smiled and snapped out of my baseless thoughts He won’t lie to me and if there’s something he’s hiding from me he’ll tell me when the time comes. I stood up and removed the curtains letting the rays of sun enter the room. He changed his side when the rays hit his face. I walked to his side and placed a chaste kiss on his lips just like the way he does when he wakes me up but our reactions are totally different for he pinned me into the bed. I looked up and he was smirking. What the hell is this? I tried to get up but he pushed me down again “What’s the meaning of this?” I asked him but he didn’t answer and leaned his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes as an instinctive reflex. I felt his lips on my forehead, then he kissed my eyes making my heart-beat at the speed of 100 miles per hour, I gulped what the hell is he trying do? He then kissed my cheeks softly and his lips hovered over my face to my lips. I could feel his breath on my mouth and in response to that my stupid lips parted giving him an opening, he softly took my lower lip between his own, without me knowing it my lips were already moving against his and just like the last night my hands were knotted in his hair pulling him closer to me. His lips soon left mine but proceeded to my jaw bone moving down all the time. When his lips touched my neck, my mind came floating on the surface again from the pool of blankness sending electricity to my muscles and I realized that what was going on. I quickly sat up beneath him my face red and eyes wide open with shock, now my heart was trying to get out of my chest, blood was pounding in my ears and he LAUGHED.

“No one can have such a pleasant morning as mine.” He sang.

“YOU” I got up and tried to get away from him but he hugged me from behind.

“I am sorry.” He whispered in my ear.

“What was that for?” I whispered too.

“I was just teasing you around, I thought you lose your senses around me but I was wrong.” He chuckled “Though I would have preferred that you lose them actually.” He was still whispering, his words again shocked me and caused me to blush harder than before. I turned around to see his face, he was snickering.Uhhggghh he’s making fun of me I slapped his shoulder and got out of his too romantic hug.

“Enough playing around with me now go and freshen up breakfast is getting cold.” I snapped at him spoiling the all together romantic environment that he created, he chuckled and went to the bathroom.

When he was gone I sat on his bed grabbing my chest. My heartbeat was still fast from all this m-o-r-n-i-n-g  l-o-v-e. I took few deep breaths to pull myself together. I stood up and tidied his room and waited for him. He came a few minutes later looking completely amused. I glared at him.

“Tch… you’re still mad at me?” He asked.

“You can never be trusted never ever!” I puffed my cheeks and he laughed again.

“You look cute when you do that”, he said while getting closer to me and whispered in my ear “and damn hot when you get irritated like that.” I froze what’s gotten into him today I went red my face was like set on fire. His face was still close to me I could feel his breath on my neck.

“Hmm… smells good” he complimented as he moved away and I narrowed my eyes at him “the food I mean” he added with a smirk.

I let go of it and started eating. I kept looking down at my food but I was aware of his eyes he kept staring at me throughout the breakfast. Both of us remained silent. When we were done I took the dishes without looking at him and left his room closing the door behind me. Next time I won’t step in his room if he’s in there already I decided, while washing dishes my mind was recalling what had just happened and how I narrowly escaped it he’s being weird, totally opposite of his nature, I didn’t expect him to have such a so called romantic side I wondered what he’s up to but soon I snapped myself out of such thoughts and concentrated on today’s date I hope he behaves like a gentleman I grimaced at the thought. After kitchen I went to my room it was still early in the morning. I lied on my bed and again started thinking about tonight and Aoi’s plans.

Tsurugi: *hanging down his head* I don't wanna see where this is leading too. *sweatdrops*

Me: Are you giving in for the reader-chan? *Looks at him with puppy eyes*

Tsurugi: Do whatever you want I am not going to interrupt you, you already did enough damage it doesn't matter now. *walks out of the room*

Me: *a question mark hovering over head* What's gotten into him?

Tenma: I'll check on him don't worry. *smiles*

Me: *sitting quietly looking at the door*

Tenma: *sweatdrops* These two... Anyways Min'na you don't worry I'll get the real Harl-chan and Tsurugi back. Don't forget to share your views and vote ... Ja Matta Ne~ *runs after Tsurugi*

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