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Everyone enters the basement

Tenma: Tsurugi Stop!

Tsurugi: *laughs devilishly* No wayyyy


Tsurugi's POV

I saw her crying and realized what I just did to her right now I was mad at myself. I left her there and walked out of the club room. I had forcefully kissed her I was as bad as those guys from whom I had once saved her. I wanted her to hit me but I just couldn't stand in front of her. I AM A COWARD I snapped at myself I went straight to hospital at this stage only nii-san could help me. I opened the door of his room he greeted me happily but when he saw my face worry took its place "Kyousuke what's wrong? He asked and I told him everything (dubbing the parts including Fifth Sector as usual) when I told him that I kissed her his eyes widened with shock and he started to laugh I looked at him bewildered "It's not funny Nii-san." I was irritated "Funny? No no Kyousuke it's not funny at all" he composed his face and now he only smiled "The fact that you kissed a girl, the same girl you saved before, you took care of... well do you ... do you love her?"

I jumped up at mentioning of love my cheeks started to burn again my eyes were wide, Yeah I cared for her but love I wasn't sure about that and my brother was staring at my reactions merrily I with my futile attempt to compose myself answered him "I don't know, I just take myself responsible for her safety.... that's why I care but I don't think love.... that's way too much." I sat down as I spoke and Yuuichi started to laugh again, this was annoying and irritating "I am going" I stood up but he stopped me with a serious face this time. "Well you bad boy how dare you do that to (y/n) you deserve to be punished" He scolded me or better say mocked I was feeling miserable I needed to find an answer to my feelings for her "I guess I like her I find myself smiling around her I feel warm in my chest" I finally confessed to him and realized instantly that I am gonna regret it nii-san was looking at me with kind of puppy eyes "Oh my lil brother is in love I am so happy for you." And the teasing began all over again. I was embarrassed to death he just won't stop so after ten minutes' struggle I said bye to him and left the hospital. Maybe I should ignore the situation for now and give her some time and space to recover.

End of POV

(y/n)'s POV

I entered my room and slammed the door behind me ,I fell on my knees beside my bed and cried for who knew how long I was hurt he wasn't the same guy I met before, the one who saved me, the one who took care of me in every perfect way, he has changed and who knows why? I slammed my hand on the floor several times causing it to bleed I didn't care about myself at the moment I realized that yet again everything I felt was about him, I let the blood flow and cried till my eyes ran dry.


Early next morning I went to school and was heading to club room for soccer practice but Aoi, Akane and Midori-senpai found me and took me with them "(y/n) what happened tell us?" Midori-senpai asked with concern I tried not to cry and shook my head "Did Tsurugi-kun said something to you?" Akane-senpai asked there was no way they are going to leave me like that so I thought answering them would be the right thing to do, "No it's not like that I was just pissed off the way he talked to Captain and the way he treats soccer so I thought maybe asking would be good but it wasn't such a good idea he asked me not to butt in his matter and stay away he was harsh so it made me cry" I lied hoping they would accept it "What happened to your hand?" Aoi noticed my right hand bandaged "Oh it's just a knife cut" I lied again the girls consoled me. In my mind I was determined to find the truth behind his behavior so I asked them "What is this Fifth Sector? Everyone has been mentioning it so I want to know" Midori-senpai and Akane-senpai looked at each other Aoi was on my side she didn't know anything either then Midori-senpai explained "Fifth Sector controls Japan's soccer they even decide the score of a match before it is played and if someone disobeys them they destroy them, Tsurugi is one of them he is a SEED sent by Fifth sector to destroy Raimon's Soccer Club and now he is acting as a spy and looking for a chance to shut us down." I was shocked "So that means no one is free to play?" they nodded Aoi was like me stunned we got back to the club room and got the news of Kudou Kantoku's resign due to disobedience in their previous match and today a new Kantoku would be coming. I told Aoi and other two that I needed a job and they promised me to help me find one. In break time Midori-senpai introduced me to a girl Asuka she works at a flower shop and offered me to go with her after school I thanked Midori-senpai and Asuka for help. After school we went to the club room first, everyone treated me normally and we went to the field, today we were about to meet our new Kantoku which turned out to be some legendary goalkeeper of Inazuma Japan I didn't know him but everyone was excited about him and he declared that he was there to take Fifth Sector down and revive true soccer which he used to play in his times. Tsurugi wasn't there today he was nowhere to be seen I relaxed and joined others. Everyone practiced and we prepared their towels and bottles as Kudou Kantoku was replaced by Endou Kantoku so Tenma and Shinsuke joined the club passing the entry test by Endou Kantoku which was the question "Do you love soccer?" and to no one's surprise the boys said yes and were now officially on the team practicing with everyone. Aoi and I were talking about my new job she congratulated me but suddenly I tripped over my feet and fell, my injured hand got the pressure of my body causing it to burst with pain I cried " Ouch!" I got up and saw my hand, the bandage was torn and my hand was bleeding again.

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