Chapter - 1: The Academy

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"Athena! Are you ready? We are getting late for the interview. Come fast downstairs." mom demanded.

I went down the stairs after wearing a grey dress which seemed professional enough to look impressive without looking too old. My brown hair was tied in a tight ponytail and I had minimal make up on. We are going to a new school today for an interview. After putting on my only black pumps, I lock the door behind me. We get in the car and dad drives us to the school.

"Athena, sweetie, do you remember everything I taught you?" mom asks.

"Yes, mom. I remember my manners and etiquette. I am fourteen; not four. Don't worry, mom. I promise not to screw this up". My mom always worries about me too much. I have heard her talk to dad when she thinks I am sleeping. I know that she prays all the time for me to get into the school. It is important for my career that I attend this private high school. They have an amazing scholarship programme as well so I am not too worried about dad's budget. It will look good on my CV when I apply for collages in future. Some students even get placed into ivy league colleges from there.

We reach the school. The board at the entrance read Goodwill Academy. It is really huge and flashy. It has a big green lawn with flowers on the edge. The buildings are dark red color because of the bricks. It has huge glass windows for ample sunlight to penetrate the class rooms. There are lots of shiny cars in the parking and students of all age. We get out of our car and head towards the glass gates. There is a peon who shows us to the principal's office to wait. On the way to the office, I pass some of the class rooms which look equipped with the latest of the electronics. The hallways are brightly lit mostly by sunlight and the floors look squeaky clean.

The office is a bit cold due to the air conditioners. There are sofas and a table. We sit on one of the sofas. It is so soft that I want to jump on it. We are offered water which my parents accept but I politely decline. I don't wanna get my lip glossed smudged or spill water on myself due to my clumsiness.

We are called into the cabin. There a huge glass desk which is cleaned to shine. The lady in the chair looks middle aged. She has black hair and she is wearing an expensive looking pant suit with an immaculate sense of style. She looks at me and I smile and say good morning to her just yo be polite. She just says hello and doesn't even smile. She nods her head towards the chair. My parents and I sit down. I take a deep breath to look composed but I am freaking out from the inside.

"I am Principal Gaia and I will be asking you some questions to see if you are fit to join the Academy. You just have to answer them to your best. Remember that it is a privilege for you to even get a chance of being interviewed. The Academy doesn't accept just anybody." she said.

"Yes Ms. Gaia. I understand that; and may I say I am honored to be sitting here" I replied.

"So let's start. How would you describe yourself in one word?" she questions.


"What drives you?"

"My passion for success."

"What is your greatest strength?"

"My ability to not give up."

"And your greatest weakness?"

"Not knowing when to give up."

"Do you think you can fit in here, with other students and keep up your performance?"

"I work really hard to be who I am. I am highly competitive and passionate for success. I don't doubt my abilities and only give up after achieving what I want. So the question is will the others be able to keep up with me?" I replied.

"Very well. Don't let over confidence be your downfall. We have some of the most gifted students in our school from all around the world. Have you ever participated in illegal activities or anything that can tarnish your reputation?" she asked.

"No, Ma'am. I do not drink, smoke or take drugs. I have not participated in any sort of illegal activity nor have I ever committed a felony. But you already knew that from my records, I assume." I stated.

"Do not act over smart with me. I am the principal and the next four, or maybe more, years of your life are in my hands. Tread carefully with me. We still need to perform drug tests on your blood. Please proceed to the next room where they will collect your blood sample while I talk to your parents." she said.

"Thank you for giving me an opportunity. Good bye."

I saw the look on her face as I did not even apologize. It clearly issued a warning and I was on her radar now. Well, I am unapologetic about pretty much everything. At least now she would know who I am, which is more important.

I exit the room and am met by the same peon from before. "This way please." he mentions for me.

I follow the guy to a lab with all sorts of lab equipment for genetic testing and drug tests. A lab technician comes with a syringe, needle, vial and cotton swabs. He silently and expertly collects my blood. I did not even feel the prick of the needle, he was that good. I press the cotton on the puncture wound and follow the peon outside the lab, towards the office where my parents are. I see them exiting the office and follow them towards the car parking.

"When are they going to inform if I am getting in?" I asked my dad.

"We are expecting a call by the end of this week." he says.


Hello to my dear readers!!!

I have started this new book after being inspired from a lot of books and movies.

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