The Hospital.

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When Luigi showed up at the toad Hospital. He was surprised at how many toads were sick with this spreading disease.

"Oh my god! So many patients! Better get to work."

Luigi went over to the owner of the Hospital. Which was an elder toad, too old to help many peiple

"Hello? Are you there Mr. Toad?" Luigi asked..

The elder responded. "Yes... and who are you young man?"

"I'm Luigi. Dr. Luigi. I heard you guys needed some help."

The elder seemed relieved. "Indeed we do! These poor toads need help.."

Luigi responded with a grin. "Im on the case sir!

The elder seemed thankful. "Thank you...

Luigi then proceeded to work with the 1st toad he saw. Who looked like a balloon that was the size of a 2 story house.

Luigi: Hello, how are you feeling sir?

Toad: Not very good. I don't know what is wrong with me, but I'm hurting really bad.

Luigi: Well, lets start by telling me what happened?

Toad: Well, I was walking in the Gloomy Forest, and this random green guy popped out of nowhere and forced me to eat this weird blue mushroom. And it did not taste good.

Luigi: Ok... thanks for the information.

Luigi steps back. Thinking about the details the toad gave him.

Luigi: This is weird. Who would want to poison these poor helpless toads?

Luigi: May I get a blood sample so I can look for viruses?

Toad: Yes! Anything to end this horrible disease!

After reciving the sample, Luigi then took the blood sample. and went to the lab to look in the microscope, and little does Luigi know what would then happen next.

Hi guys. hope you found the 2nd chapter cool. See you soon.

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