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Meanwhile.. At Fawful's lair.

Fawful: HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAA!!! I have poisoned almost all of the Mushroom Kingdom! And that pesky plumber Mario is FAR AWAY from here, on Isle Delfino! The Mushroom Kingdom is finally mine!!

Midbus: That's great sir. But aren't we forgetting a few things for the plan to be done?

Fawful: What? What do you mean Midbus?

Midbus: Well, we have not poisoned everyone to start... We are missing Bowser, Yoshi, and Mario's brother. oh what was his name...?

Fawful: Do you mean the green one? I think his name is Luigi?

Midbus: Yeah that's it... But how are we going to poison all of the semi-smart ones, they know who we are...

Fawful: Don't worry Midbus, I have a plan... >:)

Midbus: And what would that be?

Fawful: I'm going to go for Yoshi first, then go for Luigi... But! I'm not going to poison Bowser. I'm going to take him, and make him my slave, and take over his castle! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Midbus: What would that do for us exactly?

Fawful: You will see very soon Midbus, very soon... Wait here Midbus, I need to grab something.

Midbus proceeds to waits patiently for Fawful to get this item of his.

Fawful: Here it is! My invisible flying saucer!  This will help us in many ways!

Midbus: Do you become invisible? Or is the saucer just invisible?

Fawful: I'm not actually sure, I stole it from this dude named E-gadd I think...

Midbus: Do you think that we should test it before we go to poison everyone? 

Fawful: Nah, I think we will be fine. 

Oh no! Lets hope everybody will be ok... Next chapter we will go back to the Mushroom Kingdom to see how Luigi is doing.

Hey guys! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Leave a comment with suggestions for the story. if you want. P.S. Midbus is Fawfuls minion, and is a rival to Bowser. Midbus comes from Bowsers Inside Story. Like I had mentioned in the description. If you are confused on what Midbus looks like, here is a picture. Bye! 


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