The Daily Routine

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As Cywren slowly came to her senses and got up she fumbled around beside her thin sheet bed for her glasses. When she had found them and put them on, she looked up to see Timebomb with his goggles stretched over the top of his head, reading one of Cywren's science books. Cywren sat up in her small tatty bed, rubbing her shoulder and catching Timebomb's attention. He pulled his goggles back over his eyes and put the book back on the neat shelf.

Cywren: God. These things are really not confortable.

Timebomb: You should have slept in your bed.

Cywren: I wanted you to. But hey wasn't it comfy?

Timebomb: Yeah. Way beter than the ones in Big Town.

Cywren giggled, trying not to look at Timebomb as she did so, to avoid getting embarassed and blushing.

Cywren: Where are the others? Their beds are empty.

Timebomb: Sarah's out front with Copper and Quasar. Bryan's upstairs checking out some of the equipment.

Cywren Went halfway up the stairs and saw Bryan looking at all the cool technology upstairs.

Cywren: Don't touch anything. I barely know what some of this does completely.

Bryan: How did you afford all this stuff?

Cywren: I got it from Moria by trading a whole bunch of my stuff.

Bryan: We never had stuff like this in Greyditch! The closest we got was my dad's robot! Even that didn't work sometimes!

Cywren smiled and went back downstairs making sure Bryan wasn't up to no good. After all he was the new follower. She wasn't 100% with him just yet. Even if she wanted to she couldn't either, he is just a kid. Cywren went out the front door of the house, again greeted by an energetic Quasar. This time Cywren knelt down to cuddle her dog.

Cywren: Aww! There he is, There's my boy! Did you miss me?

Quasar: *barks of excitement*

Sarah: We were asleep for 3 hours. It's still the middle of the day. What do you want to do?

Cywren: I'm not even sure. We should take a break from quests right now.

Copper: I want to be with you this time! This house is... Boring, When left with the company of a dog!

Cywren: Don't talk about Quasar like that!

She said in a false voice, as you do with dogs. Cywren considered what Copper had said. She should take Quasar and him this time. They were missing out on all the fun.

Cywren: Ok... (Yelling into the house) Timebomb! Bryan! Come out here!

Timebomb and Bryan walked out of the house and out infront of Cywren, Timebomb casualy leaning on a railing making Cywren lightly blush.

Cywren: Ok Sarah.

Sarah: Hm?

Cywren: Can you stay here and... uh... Babysit.. Bryan?

Sarah: ...

Sarah: What.

Cywren: It wont be for long! And he sort of understands right and wrong. He's not from Little Lamplight.

Cywren instantly realised her mistake. She had just accidentally insulted Timebomb. She forgot that he had grown up in LL. She glanced to her side to see Timebomb still leaning on the railing. She hoped and hoped he hadn't heard her. He didn't seem to have.

Sarah: Oh alright... What about Timebomb?

Cywren: He's staying with me.

Timebomb looked up at Cywren, forming a half smile.

Sarah: Ok.. Come on you. I'll tie you to a boullard if you misbehave you got that?

Sarah grunted as she and Bryan vanished into the house. Timebomb Walked over to Cywren before the group dispatched.

Timebomb: Hey. So does this mean next time I'll be staying behind?

Cywren: No not really.

Timebomb: Why do you want ME to stay with you?

Cywren: Well because you're a good fighter and because of a wierd churning in my stomach caused by thoughts and reasons I don't quite understand.

Copper: I don't understand this petty thing you humans call 'Love'


Timebomb: Yeah. *chuckles* I wouldn't pick up on it because I dont know my rights from wrongs do I *laughs* because I'm from Little Lamplight!

He walked off laughing to himself. Cywren was left standing in one spot as Timebomb, Quasar and Copper walked to the gate. She blinked behind her glasses and red hair, wide eyed. All she hoped is that her blushing would reduce. She slowly started walking. Unable to speak, completely dumbfounded. She saw her garden gnome stood on the table beside her and grabbed it and pointed at it.

Cywren: You shut your face Ceciel! You have no say in this.

She growled at it. before walking off with the gnome in her hand.

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