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Stefani's POV

Bradley was really sad that night and to make it even worse for him, I made some questions that I could realize how embarrassed he got. I guess what made him so shy was the fact I was just a 13 year old girl and he was not sure if I was mature enough to talk about that.

He was always a true gentleman. No wonder why girls liked him so much. Brad was always so respectful to me that I never had a reason to feel threatened around him. It was nice to have a male friend like him.

I gave him a peck on his lips and he frowned looking at me. I am pretty sure I blushed, after all that was my first time kissing a boy. I told him that only some years later.

"Wow... That was... Unexpected". He said

"Sorry! I am going..." I said and got up, ready to go home. I thought he was mad at me but I was surprised by him when he grabbed my arm and told me to stay.

"You can stay here... I am not mad at you. Just don't do that again". He made a pause and sighed. "You are too way too young, Stef... Specially for me". Brad scratched his head.

I was so ashamed for what I did that I gave an excuse explaining that was just a friendly kiss. Nothing more than that. I think Bradley truly believed in my words, because he was relieved by that.

We pretended nothing happened that night and later he changed the sheets of his bed so I could sleep. He grabbed some clothes on his closet and was preparing to leave the bedroom. I sighed before start talking.

"Can you sleep here?"

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"But... We always sleep together".

"Yeah but we are not kids anymore, Stef". Brad said firmly, although he was not rude in any moment.

"Please, don't leave me here alone". He sighed and looked at me with his hands on his waist.

"Alright... I will brush my teeth first". I nodded in agreement and laid on his bed waiting for him. For a moment I thought he was mad but he came back and smiled at me. He laid next to me. "Hey, monster..."

"Hey..." I smiled at him and yawned. Brad kissed my forehead before we get to sleep. When I woke up, I was cuddling Brad and quickly I got up, catching my toothbrush that I left on a dresser. I walked to to the bathroom he shared with his mom and brother, since they didn't have their own. I heard a noise coming from Noah's room and figured it out he was home.

Right after brushing my teeth, I left the bathroom and Noah was leaving his bedroom. I sighed and he looked at me with a nasty smile. Noah was visibly high and that was not caused by some drinks nor weed. Of course, when I was 13 I probably thought he was drunk, but now when I remember I realize Noah was into other kind of drugs.

"Hello, sweety... What are you doing here?" He blocked my passage so I could not go to Brad's room.

"Hi, Noah! Let me pass, please!"

"Hey... Let's have a little talk". He touched my arm and I groaned. "Come with me". He pulled me by my arm walking to his bedroom.

"I am not really in the mood to talk, Noah! Can you let me go, please?" I said that louder then Bradley could maybe hear me.

"Why?" He threw me against the wall and I moaned in pain. "Only my brother can have fun here?" I felt his hand under my blouse and a tear rolled through my face.

"Please... Stop". I said it so low that I don't think he could hear.

"Hey!" I heard Brad's door been opened and his voice. "Let her go!" I sighed in relief.

"Hey, little brother..." Noah smiled and let me go. "I was just talking to our friend here. What's the deal?"

"Leave her alone!" Bradley pushed his brother.

"Are you out of your mind? I am your old brother!" Noah screamed and even though he was much taller and strong than Bradley, he didn't seem to make Brad scared. "Are you the only one who can fuck the little bitch here? You think..."

Bradley didn't let Noah finish the sentence and he punched Noah's face so hard that he fell. I looked at Brad's face and his hand was covered by his brother's blood. I swallowed hard and gaped. His anger was visibly in his eyes.

"Brad... Stop, please!" I touched his shoulder.

"Stay out of it, Stef... I am tired of this piece of shit". He kicked his brother who groaned. "You don't work, you don't help our mom and you think you can treat Stefani like that? I am done. I want you out of this house and don't come back ever!" He screamed so loud I could see the veins on his neck. Noah laughed.

"You should be ashamed of sleep with a 13 year old... But I don't blame you... I would not waste the opportunity as well".

I looked Noah's and the Bradley. Brad's breath was heavy. Suddenly he got on his knees next to Noah and punched him twice. I am sure if Noah wasn't high as hell in that day he would probably beat the shit out of Brad.

I was terrified by what I was watching. I could not even ask him to stop. Bradley made his brother get up and kicked him out. I looked through the window and I saw Bradley pushing his brother so hard that he fell on the grass of the garden. Noah screamed something and walked away from the house. Bradley went inside and looked at me.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I shook my head negatively and he hugged me. "I am sorry he did that. I didn't want you to see all this. Please, don't mention what happened here to my mother". I was visibly scared and the last thing I remember from that day is that I threw up on the floor and messed up his shoes.

I had a hard time and I avoided Brad for the next few days. It was not that I was mad at him but I felt dirty for let that happen. I was blaming myself and it took some time for me to understand that it was not my fault. I only understood it because I had him by my side being a true friend and telling me all the time I did nothing wrong.

To be continued...

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