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Stefani's POV

I woke up in the morning feeling a little dizzy and tired. For a while I forgot where I was and then I remembered when I saw Brad's hand embracing my waist. I could feel his breath on my neck and his chest touching my back. I moved a little, trying to move away from him and get up. He was probably too tired since he didn't even move when I got up from the bed. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I finished, I covered myself with a towel and got back in the room. He was exactly in the same position.

I admired him for some seconds, looking at each inch of his body. He changed a lot. He was a real man now.

"Brad..." I called him with a down voice.

"Mmm..." He moaned and moved a little, opening his eyes slowly.

"Hey, wake up".

"No..." He turned his back on me and I rolled my eyes.

"We have to go now, please get up".

"Five more minutes".

"No! C'mon!"

He stretched his arms and looked at me with an ugly face. "Shit". He mumbled and got, putting his clothes on. I looked for my dress on the floor and noticed he was staring me.

"About last night..." He started while I was putting my dress on.

"Can you help me with this dress?" I interrupted him, trying to avoid that conversation as much as I could. He walked towards me to zip my dress.

"Well, about last night..." I ignored him, trying to find my shoes. "Your shoes are in the car, don't play dumb, Stef".

"I know exactly what you are going to say. It should not have happened, you regret, we were high on wine... Whatever, man".

"Why are you being so bitchy? Let me speak".

"Can we do it another time? I really wanna go home now". He sighed and nodded in agreement. He seemed concerned and I felt guilty for talking like that but I was tired of his bullshit. We left the room and a hotel maid passed through us. I blushed. I was looking like someone who got laid with that wet hair and naked feet.

Brad gave me his car key and I went outside while he was paying for the room. When he got inside the car I avoided eye contact. He started driving and I looked at him with the corner of my eye.

"Are you ok?" He asked and I looked through the window, watching the buildings passing.


"The way you said that earlier... You regret anything?"

"Not at all... I regret nothing but I know you might. You were great to me and I had a nice time. But you always come with that brother and sister crap..."

"No, Stef..."

"I fucked for the first time with someone who doesn't love me back and it's the not the end of the world, so don't feel bad about it because it was awesome". I laughed a shook my head. "I am not a kid anymore, I can live with rejection". We got in silence for a while but I was not done. "Even if you had feelings for me it would never work now that you are living far from me. Honestly, I just want you to be happy..." I was talking fast while he was quiet and just listening to all I had to say, even though some of what I said made no sense. "Oh we are close now... My mother is going to kill me. I am pretty sure she won't believe I was at Bo's".

"Stef... You really have feelings for me?" He asked right before I stopped talking.

"Well, yeah... I like you".

I would not say love. I didn't want to make things even more awkward. He finally parked his car in front of his garage. I tried to open the car door but he stopped me. He leaned himself and approached his lips to mine. We kissed again. It was always nice kissing him. I opened my eyes and ended that kiss when I heard the noise of a car approaching. "Fuck..." I said and he didn't understand. I pointed and saw my family car being parked near us. I thought it was my father but it was my mother. I was not sure that she saw us but if she did, I only could wish it were my father in that car instead of her.

"Go... We talk later". He said and I nodded in agreement, leaving the car.

I walked home and my mother came after me. She didn't seem friendly so I run to my bedroom. She followed me and closed the door behind her. I was sitting in the bed and she gave me an angry look. A really angry one.

"I went to Bo's house to pick you up and her mother told me you never been there. What the hell, Stefani? And did I saw what I think I just saw?"

"Mom... Please, don't start that. I am fine".

"What happened?" I blushed and walked to my closet to find new clothes. "Stefani, what happened?"

"Not now... I don't really wanna talk, ok?"

"Did you... Oh my God..." She sit on my bed.

"Cliché, right? In the prom night". I laughed and took the dress off. There was no way I could lie to my mother. She knew what happened and I could not deny it. "Are you mad at me?" She shook his head and I put a blouse on.

"No, Stef... I am worried. Did you use protection?" She was also embarrassed.

"Yeah, mom. Nothing to worry about, I promise".

"How are you feeling?"

"I am ok". I shrugged.

"Was he nice to you?"

"Very... Mom, I am blushing".

"You lied to me. I have the right to know".

"Mom, everything was fine. He was nice and gentle. We drink a little and it happened".

"Oh my God, Stefani! Were you drunk?"

"I was sober, mom. Don't worry!"

"Don't you think it should have happened later, with someone you loved?"

"I love him..."

My mother sighed and she made me a sign to follow her. I put some pants on and walked right behind her. She entered her bathroom and opened a small cabinet.

"Here... Take it". She gave me a small plastic bag. "You will need it from now on... And I want you to visit a doctor". I opened the bag and blushed.

"Mom, that's embarrassing..." The bag was full of condoms.

"What? I won't raise anyone's kid". I laughed nervously. "Go, see a doctor and I find what is good for you, ok? We had this conversation once, so I guess you know what you have to do. Don't do anything stupid. I trust Bradley, but he is still a young man. I should beat you for lying to me".

"Alright... And don't tell dad, please". She nodded but I knew sooner or later she would tell him.

I sighed and went to my room. My mother didn't say much more than that. She was really mad at me. I hide the bag of condoms on my closet. I looked out the window and stared at Bradley's car. I smiled when I remembered the kiss he started earlier. For the first time he was the one to start it. Finally I had some hope on us.

To be continued...

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