Songweaver's Awakening - Andrea G. Stewart

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I decided to start strong. Mostly, I do so because I’m a testosterone-filled masculine powerhouse, and stereotypes dictate that I’m supposed to do everything with manly grunting and other feral sounds. So, obviously, I need to shove a massive, throbbing story into your unprepared brain sockets to get this show started. Or something like that.

Songweaver’s Awakening is one of those stories (you know the sort) that kind of just... happens.

There’s that clear impression from the first sentence on that the writer knew what the hell it was that she was doing. This is not a surprise if you happen to know Miss Stewart. She has, after all, more credentials on the flakey skin of her buttocks than you have in the entirety of your flabby, too-large body. This translates to good writing.

Enough about the poor chap that wrote the story, we’re here to talk shop. Songweaver’s Awakening (the lack of ‘the’ at the start of its title will forever earn my irk) is a rather bold tale, one of unfamiliar worlds, ethics and cultures. It is, basically, imaginative and big. Which is more than I can say about most of the crap on this site.

Unfortunately, that is also where the execution falls flat.

In trying to build such a vast world, the reader is nigh-on bombarded with names, tidbits of wanton information and new pieces of cultural information that makes the opening of the story hard to digest.

Don’t get me wrong, anyone with the three quarters of their brain left can and will understand the undercurrents of the story, it’s just that the sudden complexity makes that understanding something... difficult to attain.

Still, I won’t belittle the story itself. The writing is fluid, thick, and melodious, well suited to the style of the world. The pacing seems a little jarring on the edges, but for the most part the scenes transition from one to the next with little issue. The action is heated and quick, yet still takes some time to give you a view of the world around which it is taking place.

This breathes professionalism and a strong authorial voice. Read it, not only for the content, but for the delivery and execution behind it.

I can guarantee, dear readers, plebeians, and passersby, that this story certainly doesn’t suck.

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