Chapter 4

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How Luke can handle bottles of beer but not a sip of an energy drink was beyond me.

We did manage to get him still. We were all in the front of the RV and Luke was sitting on my lap. I had to wrap my arms around him to get him to stop moving around.

"So who doesn't know what this meeting is about?" Ashton asked, nobody answered. "Good. So, Calum. You know what's happening?"

"I know I'll be alone, not sure what happens after."

"You'll be heading into New York, you'll stay in the city for awhile. Act normal. Standard protocol. Luke and Michael will swing by, pick you up, and leave. You guys will wait it out in D.C. I'll come find you." Ashton looked at Michael, "Melany will be safe."

"Why do we need to split up though? Shouldn't we stay together? What if something happens?" I didn't feel good about this. My chin rested on Luke's shoulder as he passed out and leaned back, mouth agape.

"I can communicate with you guys when you're in D.C. Other than that, you guys are on your own." Ashton played with his hair and bandana.

"Why on such short notice?" Michael was looking down at his feet that were tapping against each other. Looked like we were all anxious and nervous.

"Um, well, I hacked into their database, the CIAs... I've been working on it for weeks. Months, really. I finally did it. A-and I saw our file. But I didn't go undetected. So, we - well - have to start from scratch when it comes to technology. We will be out of business... For, um, for a while." Ashton's skill when it comes to the computer was amazing, but I never once thought he had what it takes to hack into the CIA. Too bad the talent has to go to waste.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Mikey was probably just as shocked as I was, maybe even more.

"Very carefully." Ashton smirked, proud of what he's done. "And in any case, they know where we are right now."

"But we've been parked on the side of the road for two days now."

"Exactly. Time to go, yeah?" I started to panic and accidentally pushed Luke off me, he landed with a concerning thud.

"Ash? Are you sure that was an energy drink?" I tapped on Luke's shoulder with my foot. He didn't wake up.

"He'll be okay. I trashed all of our electronics this morning. Should buy us some time." Ashton got behind the wheel and headed towards New York City.


It took us eight hours to get to New York City. It's already 9 p.m. Ash and I alternated every two hours. We stopped at New Haven, Connecticut to drop off Michael and Luke. After Luke fell, it took him two hours to wake up, in which he had a killer headache but was still very touchy feely with me. Michael and Melany were loud, and it was quite a disgusting way for others to hear their goodbye.

Ashton said they would never suspect us being under their noses. Wasn't a great way of thinking in this situation. He dropped me dead off in the middle of the city. I gripped onto the straps of my back pack; filled with clothes, bathroom essentials, and my savings. I turned around, already bumping into someone. Great. I know the streets are crowded but it's kinda ridiculous, especially at this time

The person fell on the ground and I immediately held my hand out. The stranger took it, easily getting up. It was a girl. No, more of a woman, if anything. She was striking in her black stilettos and leather jacket. All she was wearing was black.

"Calum." I greeted," Sorry for uh, bumping into you."

"No problem. The name's Trouble." She smirked.

"Unique." What kind of parent would name their child "Trouble"? Did she get it legally changed, maybe?

"I'm kidding. It's Narcedalia. Pleasure meeting you, Calum."

"You got me there." My cheeks tinted pink.

"You're not from here. Aussie? Did ya come to New York to put a shrimp on the bobby?" She winked. I don't think she was talking about shrimp. "Need a place to stay? Looks like ya got ditched. No funny business, though. You're not exactly my type."

"Please and what is your type?" We began walking in the direction of -where I assume- she lives.

"Blondes. I like when they have piercings, too. Preferably on the eyebrow. I like my men built, too. But not overdoing it."

"The eyebrow-pierced friend is already taken. My blonde friend is questioning his sexuality. And I'm built! I'm cute, too, like a puppy!"

"Cal, just be quiet." I pouted. Damn.

We headed into a building and raced up a flight of stairs, Narcedalia leading. Ashton told me to be at a hotel in about a week but if I can get a free pass and not spend money, I'll take it.

"You won't kill me in my sleep, right?"

"Pinky promise?" She laughed at my gesture and accepted it. She unlocked the door. The place wasn't too shabby, definitely better than an RV.

"Is sleeping on the couch okay?" I nodded quickly, plopping on the couch. I could get used to this. "And if you do kill me in my sleep, I'll find some way to cut that pinky off you and shove it up your ass. Goodnight, Cal." My eyes widened at her words. Harsh.

She walked into her bedroom, closing the door. The living room light was still on, reminding me of the sunrise. I've been pushing away the thought of it since Luke brought it up. It bewildered me now knowing that he's seen me go outside for that purpose. The only thing in my favor was he didn't know why, but there was no doubt that the cogs in his head were already turning.

Luke's sudden outburst of homosexual-ness was kinda alarming, especially since it was directed towards me. There might have been something in the energy drink, either Ashton spiked it or Luke took drugs himself. I'm officially confused at this point.

It was weird. I'm not thinking about our lifestyle anymore. You are right now, dummy. Damnit. Let me rephrase; I don't have to think about our lifestyle as much anymore. I stood up, walking to the wall and flicking off the light. I plopped back onto the couch.

Sleeping didn't feel as hard anymore, it was... Easy. My eyes felt heavy and I was happy. I could finally sleep.

A/N crappy filler but give me props I updated three times today. Anyways new character and woweeee

Btw my friend Narcedalia (the badass) is piratesandrebels go follow her she's really cool and I love her stories okay they're way better than mine

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