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//Third Person//

Luke sat in the front among all the empty pews. Roses and pictures were presented among four coffins as he hung his head low.

He reached over to grab a tissue, trying to prevent tears that would possibly ruin his formal suit. He bit his nails, sadly.

Standing up, he reached the first coffin from the left. Melany. He didn't pay her much attention, and he never regretted it. But he felt the sadness from another perspective - Michael's perspective. He imagined he was Michael in that very moment, taking in awe of how cleaned up and beautiful she was. Still. Very still.

Luke bit his lip, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and coming down from his impersonation of what Michael would do in this situation. He closed her coffin.

He moved on to the right, standing before Ashton.

Luke regretted this. His title of never being held back was easily stripped away from him. If he took out Ashton when he had the chance; he wouldn't be in an empty church with all he had lying in front of him, he wouldn't have been deported to Australia. He wouldn't be on trial for a death sentence for shooting and killing 26 American police officers.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and whispered a goodbye, closing the coffin so he wouldn't have to face Ashton anymore.

Luke gripped his pants, slowly walking towards his next deceased friend - Michael. He lightly laughed at Michael's hair color, it somehow turned lilac and he thought the color suited him well. A stray tear drifted down Luke's face and off his chin, landing beside Michael.

He placed one of his bracelets that Michael always seemed to steal - a District 12 rubber bracelet - around Michael's wrist. Damaged, yet still holding memories for others, that's how Luke always thought of his bracelet. It was meant for Michael, a perfect soul who met a cruel fate but would always leave a lasting impression.

Hemmings didn't want to leave Michael. But he had to move on. Luke closed the coffin after bidding his apologies and goodbye, quietly.

Luke knew who he would face next, but it didn't make him feel any better. He would rather have one those boxes that had a handle to the side that you'd have to turn to scare yourself with. In a way, that's what he thought he had done. Propel the thing closer for your own scare. To let someone go into the face of danger. It was terrifying, and now he had to face the consequences.

He took a deep breath, watching his own feet take him where he desperately didn't want to go. Luke wiped away his tears with his tissue as he looked up at the sight in front of him.

Calum was peaceful, what Luke could have only hoped for. Calum's eyes were closed shut, his mouth slightly parted but unmoving. But Luke could've swore that he saw him breathing.

"C-Calum?" Luke's slightly wet hands traced Calum's jaw, making their way to clench onto his shirt collar. Luke rest his head onto Calum's chest, holding him as close as he could. "Don't leave me, please. Calum, I comforted you as I watched you slowly d-die, please. Please c-come back." Luke was sobbing into his cold chest, his voice cracking multiple times.

Luke felt gentle hands on his back. Narcedalia. She flew out for Luke, knowing that no one else would be there to comfort him in his time of need. She gently pulled Luke away from Calum, holding Luke in her arms as he cried into her shoulder. He cried and cried and cried. Years of never crying haunting him now at this point in time. The action felt foreign to him.

He was still holding Calum's hand, the same hand he held onto as he pointed out the sunrise to Calum.

"It'll be okay, Luke. Shhh," Narcedalia tried to calm down, at least a little bit.

He squeezed Calum's hand harder, "But it won't, my b-best friend is g-gone. He's gone. He's now c-cold and d-dead. I could have stopped it... But I d-didn't. I didn't..." He mumbled into her shoulder.

Narcedalia let a tear slip as she witnessed the love Luke had for his best friend. He genuinely cared about him in the friendliest way possibly, just, evidently, had a difficult time showing it.

"Come on, Luke. We have to go. I'm sorry, but we have to go." Luke pulled away from her, placing Calum's hand back on his stomach, right where the bullet got him.

Calum and Luke had a special relationship. Through countless fights and arguments, they still had a special place for each other. Their love wasn't in a sexual way, not at all. It was brotherly. The kind you get by spending endless hours with each other and never really giving up on each other no matter what the other does.

"Good luck, Cal." Luke took his final glance at his best friend, before closing the coffin.

"Good luck, Cal" was indeed a message, only spread around by three members of the five. It was a way of saying, that, even if they were gone, stripped away from the earth, someone would always be there for him. Until his final moments. That he could move a nation, if he could ever have the chance. That he could do greater things than what he was given. He was bound for greatness with an amazing heart, but was struck down before the chance. And those three knew that.

Narcedalia wrapped her arm around Luke and as they slowly walked away from his past and his future.

A week later, Luke was executed at sunrise. His final words: "Tomorrow Never Dies." He died with a smile, on live broadcast. He was buried next to his best friend.

Within a month, their reign over the internet slowly died down. However, an uproar was still stirring because of his last words. People began to find a deeper meaning that meant something special to them in their own way.

It was only the beginning.


A/N ya so I've never cried this hard in maybe a couple years this was really meaningful to me in my own ways



So this is the official ending, I hope you liked the little journey:-)

I have another story starting, called Alexithymia || m.c.

I love you


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