Chapter 12

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A/N If you're an Ashton girl then I'm sorry but idk maybe you'll find this kinky and hot idk why that's your fetish not mine.

18 hours earlier

//c.h. POV//

"Thanks for the gun, Cal." I couldn't see jack diddly shit but I could instantly tell he had a stupid smirk on his stupid face as he looked at Luke's gun with his stupid eyes.

Go fuck yourself, I tried to say, the duct tape was completely wrapped around my head, securing me from saying anything.

My hands were wrapped behind my back and my legs were stuck together. Kidnapping was so cliché but how else could you take custody of someone without their permission and also not rightfully being allowed to do it. You kidnap. I wasn't even a kid. It was more like man-nap. Teen-nap, actually.

"I'm so glad you decided to leave, Calum, it made everything so much easier on bringing you in. Otherwise I'd have to kill Mikey, all for you." I jerked at the mention of Michael, trying to unbind my hands from the duct tape. "Calm down, Cal. You'll hurt yourself." He began to put pressure on my bad ankle. It hurt, a lot.

"When we get where we need to go, we will clear things up, alright Calum? It's in your best interest to cooperate. You know how the whole hostage thing works, don't you?" He was testing my patience. He knew I had run-ins with hostages, show casing them as Michael or Luke put it a bullet in them. "Don't you?" He began to bend my foot back, my muffled scream echoed through the vehicle as I nodded my head.

"Good boy." He patted me on the head. I leaned back, gathering my thoughts and tapping my non-injured foot. I could feel the tracking device Michael put in my shoe digging at my heel. I'm not sure if it had an alarm I could trigger, but I could at least try.

The vehicle snapped to the side, sending me head first into the door handle on the other side of small space. The car turned harshly again but in the other direction, hurtling me into Ashton's crotch. He immediately gasped and pushed me off of him, mumbling "fuck"s and other creative words.

When he regained composure, he yelled at the driver to take it down a notch, and slamming my head against the wall for revenge.

I felt whoozy, white dots covered my vision.


A sharp sting was present on my cheek, I could finally see and that only added to the migraine I was having.

I was tied to a chair, the room I was in was huge and empty. Windows were at the top of the tall walls and met the ceiling.

A lamp was to the left of me, illuminating the rest of the giant room that the sun could not reach to. And in front of me was the one and only Melany. She was tied up, just as I was, but she didn't have duct tape on her mouth. My saliva was beginning to loosen up the tape, but not enough to speak.

"Calum, you're awake. Okay, stay strong, Cal. You don't know much so I don't know if that will help you or not. But stay strong. Good luck, Cal." She used Luke's words. It was like a joke. The only words I could possibly revolve around. But it wasn't a joke. It was so much more.

Ashton came storming in with his black bag on his back just after Melany got her message across. He looked angry, moving things around inside his bag and clutching onto a disposable phone. He sighed loudly, standing up straight and leaving his bag on the ground.

"Remember this, Cal?" A G41 glock. Luke's gun. I just stared at him. Ashton hit a button on the phone and put it in his pocket, making sure it was peaking out a little.

He pointed Luke's gun at Melany.

"Ashton, please. Why are they doing this?" Melany questioned Ashton, glancing at me as she said "they". She was dropping clues like nobodies business.

Unfortunately, Ashton caught on. He fired the gun at her once and she went slack. Blood was leaking from the side of her head and i wanted to aid to her so bad. But I can't.

Ashton looked at me, walking closer to me and stepping on my ankle. The pain was hard to handle already, the force he put on it didn't help either and I couldn't help but let out a scream. It was a scream for Melany, the only way I could honor her at this point.

He grinned, stepping away and pressing a few buttons on the phone again. He powered it off, tossing it in his bag.

"So Luke gave you his gun, huh?" Ashton untied Melany's body and pushed her to the ground, sitting in the chair she used to occupy. His bag laid between his legs. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but, you do know where he is, don't you?" He reached over and forcefully ripped off the tape that covered my mouth, leaving the rest to tug at my hair.

"You're wrong, you prick." I spat at his feet, glaring at him.

"Now, Calum. I'm trying to control myself for your sake but you're making that very hard to carry through." I don't think he understands how Australian he sounds. Not his words, just the accent. "I'm just trying to get the group back together, that's all. All of this is for us."

"You're lying."

"Just tell me where Luke is! That little penguin of a boy is probably scared, Cal!"

"In that case: no." He pulled something out of his bag and stabbed me in the thigh with it. "Fuck," the bastard stabbed me with a steak knife.

"I'm not going to say it again, Hood. Where. Is. Luke." He twisted the knife slightly.

"I don't fucking know, alright? I don't know! He just left. He didn't tell me why, he just left." I threw my head back in agony, my thigh was squeezing against the knife, making it worse. My own blood was dripping to the floor, mixing with Melany's.

I was stationary. My legs were tapped to the chair legs and my body tied to the back with rope. The rope rode up, etching along my neck.

I broke our pinky promise. I promised Luke I wouldn't tell Ashton, but I guess I had no other choice. Maybe he would do the same in my position.

Cal, I- I just have really big plans. And there's a certain someone trying to ruin things. Just stay out if it, the less you know the better. Trust me, Luke's words echoed in my head. Ashton was that someone. He is that someone. Luke was right, knowing less made it better. Even if I suffered through all the pain I was still breathing and able to fight. It was a chance at rebellion.

"Calum. There's something I must tell you, think of it as an exchange, yeah? I never liked you. Never have and I obviously never will," he leaned back in the chair, looking satisfied," but you now have a purpose. After all this searching and gazing at sunsets and mirrors and waiting for change - you finally have a purpose. Congratulations.

"You were always a tough one to figure out, yes, but now that's not my job anymore. I'm sure you've seen yourself on the news, yes?" I averted my eyes somewhere else. "I'll take that as a yes. You're our backup plan. Of course, the other boys don't know about it just yet but I'm sure they'll praise me for it. We never liked you. I made a deal with the CIA. All the charges will go towards you, just as long as the rest of us return home and stay out of their hair. We even get to keep the money. An amazing deal, really.

"Calum, you don't have to hate yourself anymore. I found your true calling." He got up, leaving Luke's gun on Melany's chair and zipping up his back, slinging it over his shoulder. He turned off the lamp.

I didn't want him to pave my course for me.

"Untie me and give me a fair fight, you prick. I can still fight." I growled at him, earning a right hook in the jaw. My head leaned against my left shoulder. He reattached the tape to my mouth.

"You might wanna learn to filter that thing in prison. They'll be here to pick you up tomorrow. Get some rest." He exited a red door, not caring if it shut properly. I heard him slam a car door and start the engine. When he left, I couldn't help but try to scream for Michael.

The sun was still up, it didn't look like it will go down for awhile. Thank God.

A/N intense shit wow I kinda hate you now Ashton tbh I was loving ya but now no go fuck yourself

Poor cal

SOOO ANY THEORIES I LOVE FEEDBACK *wink wink nudge nudge*


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