Chapter 8

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It was my fourth day in New York and a day since Luke left. I was still sulking, I've been sulking all night. I didn't eat dinner, even though Michael tried to forcefully shove chicken McNuggets down my throat. I just clenched my teeth and refused. Who knew Luke would have this affect on me.

He got closer to me before he left. If he stayed the same, if we hated each other I wouldn't feel like shit.

Two more days until we leave for the nations' Capitol. That was the only thing I had left to look forward to and then I await my orders from Ashton.

Narcedalia tended to stay away from me, either because of that night or just the fact I'm being a Debbie Downer. Either way, I didn't care. There isn't much left for me to care about.

"Get up, you lazy ass." Michael reached for my hand and tried to pull me off of the couch, unsuccessful. The gun tipped out of the blanket and fell on the floor, before I could reach for it Mikey grabbed it and placed inside he bag, and locked his bag.

"Give it back," I sat up, glaring at the pale boy.


"Excuse you?"

"You heard me, I said no. You're going to get in that bathroom and take a shower. Then we are going out."

"I think I should put clothes on first before going out, don't ya think?" I winked at Michael. Grabbing my bag, I headed for the bathroom.


"I'm not going in there." I wrapped my arms around a streetlamp as Michael tugged on my waist. Inside was an arcade, filled with children dragging around exhausted parents and teenage boys holding up certain big-winning games.

"Come on, Hood," Michael laughed at his pun. I was wearing a black jacket, with the hood up, and he couldn't help but notice the correlation between what I was wearing and my last name. God I hate puns.

"I refuse. Let's go to the ice cream shop, yeah? Just down the corner."

"No. I've been from games long enough and you bet your lucky stars I'll play Jeopardy if it's the only game in there available. Don't test me." Michael has been suffering from electronic withdrawal ever since Narcedalia began hiding the xbox cord from us. She hid it from him this morning.

"Nope," My arms were slipping away from the streetlamp and I went tumbling into Mikey, me landing on top of Michael, face-to-face.

We heard a few "fags", "get a room", and even a "I wanna grow up like them, Mommy!" I quickly got up, helping Michael up. We both acted like nothing happened.

"Let's go inside, yeah?" I asked Michael, opening the door for us. I pushed my hood down, taking in the bright lights from the ceiling that shined in my eyes. I pulled my hood back on my head, the lights were too bright.

The arcade was surprisingly loud. Little kids were screaming and running around as a bunch of teenage boys and girls were hanging out against a wall by the photo booth. I pushed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie, looking around at the games. Michael already cashed some of his money into a playing card.

We roamed around, I was just following Michael. Everything was taken, and nobody would get off the game. This place was crowded. Michael looked sad and like a mad man at the same time. Never knew a combination could exist. "Cal, wanna take a photo?"

"Sure." If it made him happy.

We walked past the teenagers, the guys giving us cold stares and one of the girls smacking on her gum way too loud. Michael tugged me into the booth and swiped his card in the little slot. "Why aren't there any Green Day layouts dammit." He was scrolling through the options and could only find something a little kid would like.

"Just pick one. Click randomize." Michael hit the randomize button. It wouldn't show us the layout it scrolled to. "Say 'Clifford the Big Red Dog'!" I smirked at Michael, the little booth flashed and began a countdown of five seconds.

I stuck my tongue out at Michael as he gripped my tongue, causing me to laugh when the camera flashed. The next picture was a normal smile with our arms around each other. The last one was us just glaring at each other.

We got out, our pictures on a little slide popping out. The layout was red and said "Perfect Couple" at the top. Mikey and I glanced at each other before I ripped off the caption and stuffed the photos in my pocket.

"Look at them, fellas. One with red and black hair and the other with his black jacket on. How much ya wanna bet they did something wrong?" A tall blonde guy was chatting with his friends about us. He looked a lot like Luke. I tried to ignore them, but, Michael wasn't having any of it, even though they were right. We did do something wrong.

Michael quickly pushed past the others and pinned blondie up against the wall, his hand gripping the collar of his shirt and pushing him up the wall a little. "I suggest you be careful about what you say around people. Especially us."

"Michael," he could tell I was warning him. A few parents were already looking at us but too tired to probably do anything about it.

"Listen to your pal, boy. If you do have a record you definitely don't want to fight. Or you soon will. Either way, I can take you on." Fuck. Michael was known to not back down from things.

"Ya wanna fight, yeah? We can take you on. Meet us out back, unless you're scared." Michael backed off of him. The kid had three other friends with him. The only option I had was following Michael outside through the back exit that led to an alleyway. Fuck.

"Michael what fuck did you just do?" He shoved at his shoulder, knocking him around a little.

"We can take those punks, maybe their broads will see how weak they are."

"Okay, did everyone turn 1940s LA on us now? Stop talking like that."

"Sorry. Your punches hurt, ya know? I have no doubt that we will win, they're about to taste Aussie fury." As if on cue, the four walked out, cracking their knuckles. How are we not on a movie scene. When is the director gonna yell "Cut"?

The blonde guy and one of his friends leaned against the wall as the other two lunged at us. At least they have a sense of honor.

I pushed the guy off me, right hooking him in the stomach. He didn't look weak, but he didn't look strong, either. I dodged his punches that were aimed for my face, sneaking a few punches at his side as I did so. An uppercut to his nose and he was bleeding. His nose was crooked and he looked pissed.

I had a reason to fight myself. Not because of the few hits he did get at my face, especially the one to the eye, because maybe I will see Luke again. And I know being in the hospital will repel him away further. I had genuine determination, not revenge.

I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, slamming his face down into my right knee as I hitch it up. He was out like a light. His body slumped on the ground and I pushed him to the side. The blonde guy had a bone to pick with Michael because he stayed on the wall, since Michael hadn't beaten the pulp out of the guy he's been fighting, as the other guy came to me.

The kid I knocked out and the kid I was now fighting were obviously best friends, brothers, maybe. He wanted to avenge him.

This guy had the same fighting style as his friend, but he had a farther reach and could dodge more efficient. He was tougher to say the least. My left eye was swelling up and every time I dodged I thought of Luke cheering me on right beside me. I managed to get a few blows to his face, popping my knuckles. A few bruises were already forming on my hands.

I pinned him against the wall, my head leaning against his shoulder as I continuously punched at his stomach until I felt him relax. I pulled away, watching him drop to the ground. I slid down the brick wall, tired and hurting all over, I couldn't see out my left eye. But I could see Michael punching the blonde guy in the side of the head and he dropped to the ground.

"Let's go, yeah?" Michael helped me up, becoming my crutch. We left four boys in an alleyway. Good luck.

A/N I've been waiting for a fight scene. Every chapter usually end the day but next chapter will still be the same day so YAY

I love you penguins and narwhals, stay cool.


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