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make it go away, please.
this pain.

when donghyuck woke up the next day, he was greeted with the cold air hanging heavily in the room.

he patted everywhere with his eyes closed to pull his boyfriend closer, he was getting too cold. he searched for the warmth and comfort of the boy he loved, only to realized his side was empty, he opened his eyes properly. mark wasn't there, not beside him. he was about to go all mad about it until he remember, this is how it's supposed to be.

this is their relationship, starts the day with broken hearts and end it with yearning for one another.

if this is how mark felt every morning when donghyuck left him, then donghyuck totally admired him. he doesn't know how mark can handle feeling so insecure, so helpless and worthless. at that very moment, donghyuck loathe himself so damn much. for why, he can't place it. he knew this was just the emotions overwhelming him but he can't help the droplets of water trickling down his cheeks.

donghyuck wasn't a crybaby, at least that's what he thought, but his eyes can't help but to cry for mark, his mouth can't help but to scream silently for mark and his heart can't help but to mourn for his presence.

it was painful, the endless longing for the other boy, it made him crazy, mad to no end. he let the tears fell as he sobbed, soft cries of the other's name leaving a bitter taste as it left his lips. he sniffed, hands frantically wiping the tears until minutes, it finally ended.

rubbing the tears away, he smiled. it was force, but he did it. standing up, he went to prepare for his day.

if mark can bear the pain everyday, then so is he.


what do y'all thought so far about thisss???

- tantan

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