vingt - six

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i'm a fool that
fall for you.

as one ended, another one came.

that was what donghyuck can say about his situation now.

not only he had so much on his back in the moment - the hates from the fans, the homophobic manager - now, his boyfriend decided to act up.

donghyuck thought that after his members knew about them, everything would get easier. it did, just, it's not really like how donghyuck had expected. they were open-minded, thankfully, and they wasn't that much uncomfortable anymore when it comes to both mark and donghyuck.

but instead of the usual kisses and hugs given by mark to donghyuck, they were now used to slamming doors and bickering of the two. lately, they have found mark less likely to be at home but when he did, all hell breaks loose. he would get into the dorm with frown on his tired face due to his schedules that were stacking up. sometimes he would be back very late, almost midnight, and then left the dorm in early morning. when he was at the dorm, he would avoid any type of socialising - not to mention that he don't even greet them even when they were present - just staying in his own room doing whatever he wants.

at first, they didn't say anything about it. mark was tired and it was only right to give him time for himself but they knew it was wrong when mark started yelling at donghyuck.

it's not even that long but the others saw how much the two was helplessly in love with one another and mark always end up spoiling the younger one. mark's love for donghyuck was too visible to them. that's why it surprised them when donghyuck slumped to the couch, his eyes distant. they had asked what happened but donghyuck just pulled a small, artificial smile and shook his head.

"it's nothing."

the next thing that happened was when they found mark not talking at donghyuck at all despite the other boy following him around like a lost puppy. even when mark was about to left the dorm, donghyuck would be there to send him off, smile on his face. only when the door closed on his face did the smile faltered, a sigh escaping his lips.

donghyuck had done the most for mark, heck, he did everything for mark. donghyuck would cook for him to make sure mark eat properly. donghyuck was the one to clean mark's place, did his bed after tired of waiting for him, did his laundry, and to be there when mark comes back. donghyuck would be there to accompany mark to his room even if mark get home past midnight, he would lay at the couch while waiting for mark even if his eyes were forcing him to sleep.

it was cute for the members but when it goes on with mark not appreciating any of donghyuck's effort and just keep saying bad things when he came home, the others can't wait anymore.

taeyong approached donghyuck when he was alone at the living room, laying with blanket wrapped around him, a laptop with its screen dark on the table. the others were behind taeyong, winwin shutting down the laptop.

donghyuck had his eyes closed but he wasn't sleeping.

"are you waiting for mark?"

taeil had asked softly, sitting on the floor as he looked at donghyuck that now had his head on yuta's lap, he was too sleepy to care of anything by now. donghyuck nodded, "he promised he would come home to watch movie with me." johnny glanced at the clock on the wall, it's almost one already.

"hyuck, you need to sleep."

jaehyun then said, worried of donghyuck's state that was still persistent of his choice on waiting for mark. "it would be very late when he get back, hyuck." taeyong tried to reason out to the younger boy but donghyuck just shook his head. "he promised.." that's what donghyuck said before he started weeping, his tears flowing slowly as he wiped them frantically.

donghyuck knew mark would be there. that's what he kept telling himself over the past hours. even if he always got curse for no reason from mark, donghyuck would said it's because mark was tired. even if mark storm off from him, donghyuck would said it's because mark was tired. even if mark pushed him away - which is nothing unusual - donghyuck would still said it's because mark was tired.

mark was just tired, donghyuck shouldn't be questioning anything.

"does he not love me anymore?"

was donghyuck's last words before he fell asleep, others looking pitifully at him because if they were to answer, they don't know either.

maybe mark did, sadly.


i just met chief on the way and he said,

"this is it."

- tantan

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