Chapter 28

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 Anna looked at Damien, and time was nonexistent since he had stopped it. Damien seemed to be crying, pleading for her to allow herself to be bitten. It was such a hasty decision but she didn't have the time to think about it. She either allowed him, or she died. 

She really didn't want to die….but she didn't know if being immortal was for her. She never imagined that she would have the option to stay alive forever. She didn't think, she could watch Kay age and then die, when she remained living. That'd be too much for her. Kay was her best friend, and she loved her like a sister. She couldn't take the pain of watching a loved one die. 

     Anna knew, if she died Kay would be distraught. After the death of her brother…if she died as well….who knows what Kay would do. It was such a horrible decision to make in such a short time. Either live, or do so forever….or die and possibly meet Kay and her other family members on the other side. She didn't really believe in Reincarnation, but if she was immortal that'd never happen. 

    Damien was shouting to her. She winced but she didn't say anything. Right now, tears were streaming down his face. He was upset that she wasn't allowing him permission to save her life. Anna began to cry as well. 

She mouthed 'I'm sorry' and then she closed her eyes. Time resumed, and her heart monitor flat lined. The doctor and nurses tried to revive her heart, but it refused to beat again. Anna was gone. 

   The doctors called the time of death, and made preparations to take her from the room and to the morgue until funeral arrangements were made. Damien stared in disbelief as he watched Anna die. He was standing there, watching as the nurses unhooked the machines and removed all the hoses and tubes. They had covered her with a sheet and then wheeled her from the room.


     Damien headed to Kay's house. He had to tell her. Though it was late, he still needed to tell her, that her best friend didn't make it. He went in through the upstairs window and went to Kay's bed. He shook her awake and stood there solemnly. Kay looked confused and then she began to cry. 

"She…she's gone, isn't she." She asked with tears flowing from her eyes. He nodded. She threw herself into his arms and began to sob. "Why didn't you save her??" she asked sobbing furiously. 

Damien frowned. "I couldn't bite her, without her permission. Doing so would have tainted our bond. She had to accept my invitation to bite her. She didn't. She just said 'I'm sorry' and then she died." He explained. "There was nothing I could do." He said. "I'm sure, that the doctors will contact you in a little bit. I can be here for you, to help with the funeral if you wish." He said as he just let Kay cry.


     A week later, Kay and Damien were standing around a hole in the ground, as they lowered a casket holding Anna. They had a very short service, since just Kay, and Damien and her father attended. Her father was still in shock, that his daughter had died. Damien stood next to Kay. When he saw a familiar face, he looked up. Sethander, dressed in black came over to them.

 "Scythe was found, and destroyed, but I see that I'm too late." He said solemnly. "I am sorry that your girl, refused to be bitten. That, Anna refused to be bitten." He corrected himself. Damien nodded slightly and continued to watch.

     Everyone was gone, and Damien remained by the grave. Anna's father took Kay away, and Sethander left for home. Damien stood there, reading the words engraved on the headstone. He ran his fingers across her name. 

     "Damien." A voice called. Damien looked up and looked around. He didn't see anyone. "Damien." The voice called again. He turned around and saw Anna. He looked shocked, and was wondering what was going on. Anna approached him.

 "I don't have much time Damien." She said. "I just came to say. I'm sorry. I couldn't allow you to bite me. I was a human. A mortal. I couldn't allow myself to become immortal and watch all my loved ones die. Even after Kay and my father died, and I made new friends…the same cycle would happen. I'm too sensitive to go through that pain." She explained. "I know, we were meant to be…and I'm sorry you'll never find a mate….now that I'm gone." She said. "It seemed selfish, that I didn't consider your feelings…I hope you understand…" she said.

    Damien listened to her a moment. "Actually…when you had recovered, and gotten better, I was going to tell you goodbye and allow you to live a mortal life. But I didn't want you to die…I wanted to at least protect you from afar. I wanted to give you some sort of life…even if it was an immortal one. I was the one being selfish." He said. "I just am sorry I tried to pressure you like that, during the moment of your dying. I hope that you'll find happiness where you're going." He said. "I'll never forget you Anna Blue. You changed my life…and I thank you for that." He said smiling sadly. 

    Anna smiled sadly as well. "And you changed mine as well. You made me feel loved. You were there for me, and it made me happy. Thank you for loving me Damien." She said. She approached him and kissed him gently. "Goodbye Damien." She said.

 All Damien felt, was a flood of warmness and light as she kissed him. She then faded into the sunlight, and was gone. Damien looked up into the sky. 

"Goodbye Anna." He said, then turned from her grave, and headed back home. 

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