Chapter 24

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Anna had sat there beside Kay for the longest time. Finally Kay's silence was about to do her in, so she got to her feet.

"I'll be right back. I need some air." She said and then she left the waiting room.

          She headed for the automatic doors, which slid open as she approached them. She walked through them and then away from the hospital. With all her sadness; her friend Kay blaming her for what happened to Kyle, and Kyle being hurt…she didn't think about not being alone…knowing what could happen. The last thing she thought of was assassinations. 

     She walked for a while, the large white hospital building getting further away as she walked. She watched the sidewalk as she walked. Her eyes began to mist over with tears and finally she began to cry.

          Kay had been her friend, like forever. At least it seemed forever. And never once since they knew each other…did Kay ever turn her back on her. She felt so alone. She had Damien….but she just met him. She couldn't compare a years' long friendship to what she had with Damien. Right at that moment, she wished she never met Damien. Her life would be so much more normal without him.


          Scythe had left where he was, when he was talking to Xavier. He used the shadows to track the girl to where she was at. His sense told him she was inside the hospital.

          He watched carefully from the shadows as he watched as Anna walked right out of the building out onto the sidewalk, walking alone. This was the moment he was waiting for. He waited until she would be in the perfect position before striking. 

          When Anna was close enough for a clear shot, he let free his dagger. The lightning quick throw zoomed right towards the young human girl. The throw hit its target dead on. He had aimed right in the center of her body, near her heart. The dagger pierced through her body. 


     When the dagger hit, it took her a moment to realize what was going on. She felt a sharp stab in her chest, and then immense pain. She doubled over and collapsed to the ground. She began to shake with fear realizing what had happened. She had made herself an easy target, and she had been hit.

          Her eyes refused to look down at the dagger, but eventually she made herself. The dagger had struck her in her chest, and now the front of her shirt was stained crimson. Shaking all over, she knew that this is where she was going to die.

          Tears sprung to her eyes as she thought about Kyle and Kay…and Damien. She ended up blacking out, from the pain and fear. Her crumpled body lay there on the ground as she bled out.


           Damien froze when he felt a surge of pain and fear. He then looked over at Xavier.

          "You bastard!" he shouted and then punched Xavier in the face before he flitted back to the hospital.

          He stopped short, when he saw Anna there on the ground bleeding. He rushed to her, not caring if he got bloody. He picked her up into his arms.

          "Anna." He called out.

          He checked her pulse, and found she had one, albeit a weak one. He picked her up and rushed her back to the hospital which wasn't that far away.

           "PLEASE HELP!!" he called out loudly as he rushed inside.

           A flock of nurses and doctors came over to him. A tall doctor started shouting orders for a gurney and other medical things that Damien didn't understand. Anna was taken from his arms and she was wheeled immediately to the O.R.

           The commotion stirred Kay from her slump. When she heard Damien shout, she got up and looked to see what was going on. When she saw Anna in his arms, and blood all over her, she went paler then she was already. She approached Damien.

          "What happened?" she asked. Damien looked at Kay.

          "Scythe got her. She was stabbed in the chest. I think it hit her heart." He said with a frown. "Now she could die, and it's my entire fault." He said. "I shouldn't have gone to confront him…." He growled and then began to pace.


     Hours later, the doctor that took care of everything came over to where Kay and Damien were waiting.

          "I have some bad news. The dagger that was impaled into Miss Blue ended up damaging part of her heart. Right now we have her stabilized on machinery, but it won't last forever. She'll need a transplant. However, finding a heart transplant for her type as quick as we need it is near impossible." He said sadly. "I'm sorry. If you wish to go in and say goodbye…" he began.

          When the doctor working on Kyle, came forth. He stepped up to them. "I'm afraid your brother Kyle, didn't make it." He said to Kay.

          Kay, upon hearing the news began to break down and sob. The doctor who told her frowned.

          "I'm sorry, but there was just too much damage and too much blood loss. We couldn't save him." He then began to back away.

           Kay sobbed for a while. "….My brother…he…he…made it so he could be a donor." She said with a few sobs. "C…can you see if he's a match for Anna?" She asked.

          Both doctors blinked and looked at each other. "We'll definitely check it out." He said. "We'll inform you once we find out." One doctor said and then both left. 

     Kay began to sob again. "My brother…my twin." She cried loudly. "I don't know what I'll do without him. But….I couldn't lose my friend too…that would be too much." She said and looked up at Damien. Damien just pulled Kay into a hug and they both stood there together.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now