Chapter 16

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   Damien was tired, by the time they returned home. Flitting was some serious business, and it too a lot of energy. For a more seasoned, older vampire it didn't take as much energy, since they were used to it, and did it a lot, but for Damien…he had only flitted one other time that far a distance in his life. He flitted a bunch of times, when the distance was under twenty miles, but never thousands at a time. He barely made it down into the basement, before he collapsed on the couch that rested there. A puff of dust flew around, revealing that the couch wasn't used much, even though it was in the basement. 

     Sethander looked at him after he descended the stairs. "It will be dawn soon. We should sleep. Then, at night we will seek your human friend and speak with her." He said to the tired vampire. Damien supplied a weak nod and then forced himself from the couch and shuffled over to his coffin. He made it inside and closed the lid, and was out before the full darkness enveloped him.


    Anna had spent a full night and morning at Kay's and Kyle's house. The sun rose, and since Kay's house was facing a different direction the Anna's, there was no sun to brighten her room, and hit her face. She sat up, feeling a bit lost…wondering why the sun hadn't woken her up. She remembered after a moment, that she no longer lived in the house her mother and father made her stay in alone. She wasn't used to sleeping in a strange bed, so she didn't get much sleep. She spent most of her time that night peering out the window, and wondering how Damien was. She hoped that he was alright, and she couldn't wait to see him again. When she finally did go to bed, it was well past 3 o'clock in the morning.  She settled into the strange bed as best she could, but was uncomfortable and slept very little. She was tired, by the time she woke. She wasn't a morning person…far from it. She was a night owl, and loved staying up at night. When she checked her phone to see what time it was, it was close to 2 p.m. 

     Anna slipped from the bed and went to the door. She stopped off at the bathroom on her way down the hall. The house Kay and Kyle lived in was just one story. Anna was used to going down stairs, to get to the living room. Now, all she did was follow the hall to the end and there she was. She looked to see if Kay was awake or not. She heard some noise in the kitchen and she peered in to see who it was. Kyle was there, wearing just a pair of sleeping pants as he poured a bowl of cereal. Seems Kyle at least was a late sleeper like she was. When Kyle heard someone behind him, he turned. "Oh hey." He said as he shook Lucky Charms into a plastic bowl. "Want some?" he offered. Anna nodded. "Sure." She said. He grabbed a second bowl and poured a share for Anna. She thanked him and sat there at the table. He grabbed two spoons and then got the carton of milk. He poured some into her bowl, then into his before he placed the carton back. He sat across from her and began munching silently on the cereal. "Where's Kay?" she asked trying to break the silence. "Is she still asleep?" Kyle looked up at her after a bite and swallowed before replying. "No, she went to work." He said and took another heaping spoonful of Charms. "Work?" she said a bit surprised. She didn't think Kay worked. "Since when did she work?" she asked. Kyle thought a moment. "A few months? We needed a bit extra cash, since we eat like pigs, and after my check went for utilities and our cell phones, we didn't have much left for groceries." He answered with a semi-full mouth of cereal.

      Anna nodded, still surprised that her friend worked. "Where does she work at? She never mentioned it to me." She said. "That's because she didn't want you knowing where she worked." Kyle responded. "I shouldn't have said anything, but now that you live here, you're bound to find out." He said. "Kay probably figured she'd be home before you woke up." He said as he drained the milk from his bowl and sat it down. "So? Where does she work?" she asked again. Kyle stared at her for a moment before he replied. "She's a stripper." He said. "Not that I really approve that she works at a strip club, and she gets naked for strange men, but it pays well. She does it only a few nights a week. When you went to bed last night, she snuck out of the house and headed to work. I told her to take my car, but she figured you'd hear it and wonder where she was going. Now she can, because you know." 

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now