Chapter 26

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It took many hours for the doctors to transfer Kyle's heart into Anna. Kay, who had been waiting in the waiting room all that time, ended up falling asleep in one of the chairs. She was still angry and sad because her brother was gone and she still felt bitterly towards Damien. 

When she woke up it was morning and more people started to filter into the waiting room. She knew she looked a mess, her hair all disheveled and her clothes all wrinkled but she didn't care.

 A nurse who came in that morning and heard about the situation came over to Kay asked if she needed anything, something like food or something to drink. Anything that Kay might need. Kay was surprised at the kindness of this woman and admitted she was quite hungry. 

The nurse smiled sadly but took her to the cafeteria so Kay could get something to eat. After Kay had eaten and felt a lot better she went back to the waiting room. It wasn't much long after her return, when the doctor who operated on Anna came out and approached Kay.

      "Everything seemed to have gone all right. The operation was a slow one but I think it will work out. All we need to do now is monitor Miss Blue and make sure she doesn't reject your brother's heart. She's in recovery and she's doing all right it's just a matter of time. You can go and see her but try not to wake her up or cause her any stress lest undo everything we've just done. Heart transplants are very tricky things, even if the heart is a match there can still be complications. So just be careful. I'll have a nurse escort you to where she is resting." The doctor said as she stood there before Kay.

       Kay nodded as she heard the doctor's words. She was glad the surgery went all right but she is still afraid that Anna would reject the heart and end up dying anyway. Like she had said before; she had lost her brother but she couldn't lose her friend as well. If she did she would be lost in a sea of sadness and despair. 

The nurse from before came over to Kay and led her upstairs to her Anna was recovering. Once they reached the room the nurse let her go inside herself but told her not to stay too long. Kay nodded at the nurse and stepped inside approach the bed with her friend laid.

 Anna looked so pale which she expected since she lost a lot of blood and had to recover from surgery. There were a bunch of machines one for oxygen ones monitoring her heart plus an IV which was in her arm. She sat in the chair that was next to Anna's bed and she took her friend's hand and squeezed it. 

"I'm sorry all this had happened to you girl, it seems that Damien is not all he's cracked up to be. I mean, he's cute but he's caused a lot of problems, the main one being Kyle and you. If you survive this I really hope nothing else bad happens to you. It'll be hard living without Kyle but I don't think I could live without you too."


        Damien had walked around the neighborhood for quite some time and it got lighter because of the oncoming dawn. He wasn't afraid of the sun of course but he didn't think he could go home. He knew his master and Xavier were going to have it out and he didn't know how long that would take. It wasn't until Damien saw his master approach did he know something had happened.

 "It is done. Xavier is dead. Now I only have to find Scythe and kill him as well. It will not be easy trying to find that damn assassin since he's in hiding. I will do my best to find him and destroy him as well but since he is an assassin it will not be an easy task to kill him even if I do find him."

 Damien had looked up when he saw his master and when his master approached and listened to his words he was slightly relieved. But since Scythe was still alive and Xavier had hired him out to kill Anna he figured that he would keep trying until she was dead. Especially if he had already gotten paid or at least paid half. Heck assassins enjoy killing so he might just do it for fun, so he did have to die. 

"I wish you luck master." Said Damien quietly.

         Sethander looked at his sired with some concern.

 "What is wrong? Why are you not the hospital waiting for your woman?" Sethander asked. "Did something go wrong?"

         Damien shook his head. "Well as far as I know nothing went wrong. Anna's friend sort of let into me earlier and I just left. Then I saw you at Kay's house and then you went after Xavier. At that point I just wandered around. I didn't want to go back to the house to see you kill Xavier so my feet just took me around." He said as he shrugged. "I guess I should go back to the hospital for surgery is probably over by now. I should check in on Anna."

        Sethander nodded. "Once she is better and can talk and decide you will still need to find out if she wants to become a vampire or not. It will prolong her life since she won't really need the heart. She can live forever with you as your mate."

        Damien looked at him. "Sadly, I don't see her becoming a vampire. She was really close to Kyle and Kay and now that his heart is beating inside her she wouldn't forfeit that in order to be with me. And I totally understand. I would probably do the same. 

If I was human and both my friend and I were hurt and I needed something from them after they passed away I wouldn't want to give that up for immortality. Especially if it's a very close friend like Kyle was and Kay is to Anna. 

Kyle and Kay are pretty much family to her. Her mother is gone and her father was never around so she depended on those two to help her through. But no one is gone but she holds his heart literally in her chest.

        When Anna comes to, I will say goodbye to her and I will leave her alone. I know we are destined to be with one another, but I just can't force her to be bitten, not now. I will live alone for the rest of my existence but at least Anna will have Kay and memory of Kyle to keep her company. I will sacrifice my eternal loneliness for her safety and to keep her alive so Kyle's heart being transplanted isn't a waste."

        Sethander, understood completely. "This is why I told all my sired to refrain from associating with humans. Humans are different than us because they have feelings and they don't live as long as we do. After all that has happened I don't think that your girl would sacrifice everything her friend has done for her. Receiving a heart from her friend is much more precious to Anna then to be bitten and gain immortality."

       Damien turned, then left Sethander and headed for the hospital. His master went the opposite direction in search of Scythe. It didn't take long for Damien to reach the hospital. 

He bit up to the front desk and asked how Anna was doing. Just as he asked the elevator doors opened and Kay stepped through and headed towards Damien. Damien turned seeing the blonde and walked over to her. 

"Is Anna out of surgery?" He asked. 

       Kay nodded. "Yes, she is up in recovery resting now. I guess you can go up and see her." She said a bit bitterly as she told him the floor and the room number. "Just don't go hassling her about anything. She needs her rest. She also doesn't need stress. So don't bother her about being bitten or anything."

       Damien looked at her "I won't." He said "after she is a bit better, I will say goodbye to her and then leave and never see her again." he told her and then he headed for the elevator and then went up to see Anna.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now