Chapter 17

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  It didn't take long, for Sethander to trace where Kay lived. Damien followed behind his sire eager to see Anna again after all this time. He now knew why she was so sad that night as he lay in his room alone. She had heard that her mother had died and he caught that sadness all the way where he was at thousands of miles away. Anna then she had to deal with her father, whom she never seen much either coming to see her after her mothers' death. He wished he could just hold her and be a comfort for her through all this turmoil. 

     He looked up when he and Sethander approached the house. It was much different then Anna's. Anna's was an old Victorian two story house on the outskirts of town. Kay's house was a simple single story, three bedroom house. It was one of those kinds that the neighborhood was made of houses just like it, but different colors. He noticed that this house was a creamy white color. Some of the pain was chipping in places, but it was in good shape none the less. Kay lived here, and this was also where Anna was staying. Damien didn't know about Kyle though.

    "She's here, I can tell." Damien said sensing Anna. "Now we just need to get to her. Only this time, don't pick the lock. Let's knock this time." He told his sire with a frown. Sethander looked at him and then gestured for him to go ahead and do just that.


     True to Kay's word, she appeared later that evening in time for dinner. She looked tired, but not nearly as ragged as she did that morning. She looked at her friend and saw the concerned look on her face. "I'm guessing that I have some explaining to do." Kay said to Anna. "As to why I came in at 2p.m after being out all night." She took a sigh and began to talk, but Anna interrupted her. "I…I already know." Anna admitted. "Kyle told me this afternoon when we were sitting in the kitchen. I asked if you were asleep, and he let slip that you were working. Kay, I can get a job and help pay for groceries, so you don't have to strip." She said. "I really don't think it's something you should do. Those customers could get really drunk and violent and I don't want you hurt." Anna said frowning. 

    Kay smiled slightly at her friend. "I appreciate that girl, but you don't need to look for a job right away. You've just lost your mom….I understand how you feel. Just take a few weeks or a month to get used to being here and stuff…You're welcome to be here as long as you want. I like having you around. Kyle…well he'll get used to it." She said with a wicked smile. "But I'm starving. What should we have for dinner Kyle?" she asked looking at the blond male leaning against the couch. He shrugged. "Call for a pizza?" he suggested. "Or go into town and get burgers…"He shrugged again. Anna looked at him a moment and then at Kay. "Whatever you want, I'm fine with either." She said. Kay nodded and then went to grab her stuff. "I want a burger…let's go." She said as she slipped her shoes on. She opened the door, and almost ran into Damien.

      Damien was about to ring the doorbell when the door opened. "Oh uh….hi. I'm here to see Anna." He said softly. Kay's eyebrows went up in surprise. "Oh!!" she exclaimed. "You're Damien! She told me about you." She then turned to Anna. "He's good looking." She wagged her eyebrows suggestively. Anna blushed but went to the door. "I'm so glad you're alright." She said and hugged him. Damien hugged her back a bit hesitantly. She pulled back. "is something wrong?" she asked. She then looked behind Damien and saw another male. "Who is this?" she asked noticing Sethander. "Can we talk alone, just the four of us?" he asked.

     Kay looked at Damien. "We were gonna get burgers. Kyle and I can go get em, and bring em back. I know what you like Anna…we'll let you guys catch up." She said and then headed out the door with Kyle. When they were out of earshot, Anna let Damien and his friend in. Sethander looked around the house. "Such…interesting décor." He said with a cool voice. "So, who is he?" she asked again. Damien watched Sethander for a moment before responding. "He's my sire…" he said and bit his lip. Anna looked surprised and scared. "You're sire!! But you said you'd be in trouble if he found out about me!" she said and began chewing on her thumbnail in nervousness. Sethander looked at her. "He is in trouble…however his punishment isn't death. Although I'm sure to him death would be welcome considering the alternative." He interjected as he approached them both. "I told him, to tell you goodbye, and never see you again. I came along to make sure the parting was brief. I also wanted to see the girl he went through so much trouble and to break our rules for. Now I see." He said. "However something else has come to light during our trip. Seems Damien here can sense your emotions. Something not very common among humans or vampires…..and never with both together." He said. Anna blinked at looked at Damien. "you sensed my emotions?" she asked a but surprised. Damien nodded. "You were really sad. It had to have been when you found out your mother died. We found out from your father." He said. Anna just stood there looking more shocked. "You met my father too?" she asked. "Well…not technically. Sethander put him asleep, and then probed his mind for the information. We found out about your mother and you moving. That's why we're here.' He said.

     "Back to the reason we are actually here Damien. Girl…." He started as he looked to Anna, though seconds later he was interrupted by her. "Anna." She said "My name is Anna." Anna interrupted. Sethander's jaw twitched but he started again. "We are here; to speak to you about what this whole emotion sensing is about. It means you, and Damien are life-bonded. In layman's terms it means that you are destined to be his one and only mate. Being life-bonded makes it so the other in the bond, is the only one you want. Nobody else will do. However, there's more to it. There is a ceremony two life-bonds can go through, which will strengthen the bond and make you tied together forever. The price to pay for that is, if one of you dies….so does the other. If you do not do the ceremony…you'll just have a great sense of loss if the other dies and never find another life-bond in your life and you'll die alone." Sethander explained. "I do not care whether my sired are life-bonded or not...however I do care, whether or not they are bound to humans such as yourself. I refuse to let you become officially bonded to Damien as long as you're human." He said and then went quiet for Anna to process it all. 

     Anna listened to the vampire's words and let them sink in. "So…what you are saying is…become a vampire or be alone forever." She said simply. Sethander nodded. "Well at least you're smart. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Although, Damien here does not wish to bite you. He claims he'll doom you if he does. He will be dooming you to a life of loneliness if he doesn't." he said as he looked to Damien. "The choice is yours. I can bite you, but it wouldn't be the same. It would be best if the one you're destined to be with does the converting. He knows how to do it, but has never actually bitten anyone enough to convert them." He said with a small shrug. "Damien, as your sire…I command you to bite this girl, if she so wills you to do so." He said. "If she cares enough for you to become immortal, you will grant her such a wish." He told the other vampire. Damien nodded slowly and sadly as he closed his eyes. When his blue eyes opened again he looked at Anna. "What is your decision Anna?" he asked.

   Anna looked at them both. Did she really want to be with Damien forever? Not like she had much choice. It was either him or be miserable and alone, pining for someone she could never have if she remained human. "W…what about my life? Not that there's much to it….but I'm living here with Kay and Kyle…would I still be able to live with them? Or would I have to move in with you two?" she asked. Sethander looked around the house. "Where you live is up to you, but you will have a hard time staying sane around those filled with blood. At least with living with other vampires you wouldn't have that problem." He said.

      Anna bit her lip. She really liked Kay and Kyle. She wouldn't want to accidentally bite them, in case she was mad with hunger. And the thought of drinking blood… made her squeamish. "C…can I have a bit to think about it?" she asked. "It's a big decision and I need to have a few days to think on it. Is that alright?" she asked. "Wise words coming from just a mere mortal. You can have the time you wish…but do not dally to long. I'm not a patient vampire, and I do not like to wait. Think on your decision and then tell us what you wish to do. We will leave you now." Sethander said to her, and then just walked out the door without another word. 

    Damien looked at her. "I'd understand if you don't want to be bitten. You hardly know me, and I wouldn't hate you any if you decided to remain mortal. Whatever your decision, I'll still care for you. I might not be in your life, but I'll protect you. I'll be the shadow that keeps an eye on you and keeps you safe. I need to go back with Sethander, but we'll see each other again. Goodbye for now." He said to her and then kissed her cheek. He left hastily to catch up with Sethander.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now