Chapter 20

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     The next morning, Anna woke up feeling tired. She had spent most of the light awake, staring at the ceiling as she thought about her decision. When she finally couldn't stay awake any longer, she fell asleep and only got a few hours of rest before her body made her get up. She sat up in bed and went to the kitchen. She noticed that Kyle wasn't there, so she must have gotten up early. She looked at the time that displayed on the microwave and blinked. It was only 11 am. She chuckled to herself, knowing that Kyle slept past noon so he wouldn't be up for a few more hours yet. 

     Anna decided to make herself a bowl of cereal, then dress and take a walk. She liked taking walks and she thought it'd be best to think some more while she was out. She grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured the sugary sweet cereal laden with tiny charm shaped marshmallows into the bowl and then added milk. She used the last of it, so she scribbled on a note pad which was stuck on the fridge door that the milk was out, and she'd buy some on her way home.

     This time, she ate the cereal before it got soggy. When she finished the cereal, she drained the milk and then set it into the sink and put water inside for easy cleaning later. She left the kitchen and dressed into her favorite skirt and top and added her accents before pulling on her shoes and heading out the front door. 

     Walking, led her opposite the direction of her house. She walked for a really long time, thinking about her choice of either being bitten or remaining mortal. As she walked and thought, her feet took her way on the outskirts of town. When she realized she had walked really far, she looked around. She didn't recognize the neighborhood, and she turned to go back the way she came, hoping she could get back, since she wasn't paying attention before. 

     "Anna?" A familiar voice spoke behind her. Anna whirled around to see that Damien was coming from a really dumpy looking house and walking towards her. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Anna looked behind Damien at the house he came from. "You live there?" she asked. "It doesn't look like anyone should live there." She said as she looked back at him. He looked at her. "We do, but we don't live up in the main part of the house. We live in the basement. Sethander has had years to hollow out and expand the area down there, so it's like a second house down below. We each have our own area." He explained. "I'd show you, but…Xavier is there. Eva and Sethander are gone, but Xavier hates humans, so it's best you don't get too close. I have no idea what he'd do with you around." He said. He walked her down the sidewalk some, away from the house, just to be on the safe side. "So, why are you here? How did you find me?" he asked.

     Anna got a bit nervous hearing about Xavier's hatred for humans, and eagerly let herself be led away from the house. "Actually…I wasn't here looking for you. I was taking a walk and doing some thinking. I ended up here by accident." She said. He nodded. "Part of it has to do with our bond though. I bet if you were taken into town, and they let you go walking without you paying attention, you'd end up here again. I have an urge to be where you live as well, but I have a tracking ability so I know where you are." He said. "Plus I've been to your house before, so that helps too." He said with a chuckle. She chuckled as well. 

     Anna and Damien walked together for some time. They headed either by chance or not, to the place they first met. Anna realized it the same time Damien did as she sat down on the bench. "Seems a bit different during the day, huh." She said as he sat next to her. He nodded. "Yeah…not as sinister." He said with a smile. "It's a bit weird seeing me during the day isn't it. Most of the time, I see you, its dark." He pointed out.  Anna nodded. "Oh yeah, I think this is the first time I did see you during the day. Your fangs are gone, and I can see how brilliant your hair and eyes are in the sun light. You are a bit pale though, but that's understandable since you have no blood running through your veins." She commented. "Other then that, you're nice looking." Anna said with a smile. 

     If Damien did have blood in his veins, he would have blushed at that moment. Instead he smiled his charming smile. "Thank you my dear. And I must say, you're quite pretty as well, now that I see you in the light of day." He responded. Anna, having blood in her veins did blush at his statement. "I'm glad you think so." She said and then she looked down at her hands. "Nobody else does." She added.

     Damien tilted her face up by gently taking her chin. "Now now, none of that." He said. "No more saying bad things about yourself. All that matters is how I see you, and what I see is a beautiful and vibrant young woman. I'm so glad to have met you, and even though we're bonded…that doesn't keep me from thinking you're very pretty. I'd love it, if you were my mate. But I also know what a big decision it is, to pick between being mortal and being a vampire. I won't lie, saying it is easy being a vampire because it's not. Once you have been bitten, your sire…which would be me, would teach you everything you need to know. Much like a parent to a child." He said explaining things to Anna.

      "After you learn everything; the rules, and how to stay alive…you need to train yourself. How to use your newly acquired powers and that can take a while. A sire's job isn't easy either. Besides teaching and training, we have to protect the fragile vampire fledgling and make sure our enemies don't come after you. And yes, we do have enemies. There are humans out there who know of us, and they are vampire hunters. They try weeding out the new vampires, and try to separate them from their sires, so they're defenseless and easier to kill. There are also werewolves. Now, there aren't many of those left, and they're not around much in modern society. Most of those still alive live on their own, in forests or on islands away from humans. They know the dangers of being caught while in lycan mode and they don't want to be hunted." He looked at Anna and saw how nervous she looked. "Don't be afraid of all that I'm telling you. I mean besides the dangers, there are good points. You're super strong, and you can see in the dark. You can run fast and you never get sick, cold or anything like that. You're sort of super human, except you drink blood." He said trying to reassure her. "With everything in life, there are rules, and dangers. Being a vampire isn't an exception. Since I'll be your sire, I'll teach you and train you like Sethander did to me. He's a very good vampire, and I'm sure he'd help me with you, if you became a vampire." He said looking at her hopeful. "I won't pressure you, but just know you won't be alone, if you choose to be with me." He said finally. 

     Anna nodded after he finished speaking. "I'll take that into consideration as I think. Right now, I really should get back. Kyle is going to be up soon and he'll want milk, which I promised to pick up since I used the last this morning." She said. "I'll see you later." She told him and then got up from the bench and headed to the store, her head stuffed with the dangers that Damien just gave her about being a vampire.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now