Chapter 18

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     Anna watched as Damien turned and headed towards the vampire that was his sire. She watched until they had walked out of her sight. She sighed and leaned against the frame of the door. What a big decision she had to make. It seemed that she was sort of doomed no matter what she chose. If she decided to remain mortal, she would never see Damien again. That was one thing she didn't want. She really liked Damien and each time she saw him she began liking him more and more. But, in order to keep seeing him she would have to be bitten and turned into a vampire like him.

     She retreated back into the house and closed the door softly. She made her way to the couch and sat down, and leaned back. She closed her eyes and then did more thinking. Did she want to be a vampire? Did she want to become immortal and be with Damien forever? If she didn't become a vampire, she would be miserable. Even more so then she was already. She would long for Damien, and never see him. She wouldn't want to be with anyone else other then him. She would be alone and never know love. But being bit was such a life changing thing. She would be a blood sucking vampire, and be long living. She wouldn't be able to live with Kay or Kyle, since they would be alive and making her crave blood all the time. What she needed was to talk to someone. Kay already knew about Damien, so she decided that once Kyle and Kay returned, she would pull her friend aside and talk to her. Get her opinion on what she should do.


      "I wouldn't hold my breath on that girl." Sethander said as he and Damien returned to their home. "She seems very uncertain about being bit. I wouldn't blame her however. Being bit and becoming a vampire is very serious business. It's not a life anyone would really want. She might surprise you and go through with it, but I really doubt it. She probably will choose to live the remainder of her mortal life alone and remain with her friends. Since she hardly knows you, she wouldn't change her life based on you two knowing each other for such a short while." 

     Damien felt sharp stabs every time Sethander pointed out what he knew already. Anna was a nice girl, and she did like him, but he already knew that she wouldn't allow to be bitten, or perform the life-bond ceremony to bind them together forever. It was a scary notion…being bound to someone in such a way that if you died so did he and vice versa. He had gotten his hopes up for no reason. When they returned to hear Anna's decision he would know what it would be. "I know…she won' allow me to bite her. I'm just fooling myself in thinking I could have a mate and not be alone." He said sadly as he followed Sethander. 

     Sethander stopped and looked back. "Humans are weird creatures. They want so many things, and when they are offered what they want, they get skeptical and then back out. So many humans wish they could live forever. What they don't realize is forever…is a very, very long time. If they become vampires, they will continue to live unless someone comes and beheads them. Other then that, they will watch the years go past. People they knew and loved age before their eyes and die, while they hide in the shadows and watch. It's heartbreaking. When I was younger, I had a girl that I fell for. Almost every young vampire finds that human that they fall for. We made it a rule not to associate with humans and get personal with them, because it normally ends badly. Unless you find those select few who do let themselves become vampires…but that is rare. "He said softly as he looked at the young vampire before him. "I know exactly how you feel. Even Xavier and Eva gone through the same thing you are going through. However Xavier is a bit bitter about the love and human situation. His lover killed herself when she found out he was a vampire. So he hates humans." He shrugged. "Eva, she's just a tramp. She worked in the red light district a couple hundred years ago. She had gotten herself pregnant, and kicked out of the brothel she worked at. She lost her baby, while she was living on the street. She was cold, hungry and poor when I found her. I took her in and offered her salvation. She took it readily and then once she was under my care…began with the whore-like behavior again. Only she would go out looking for people to sleep with. She would play with them, and then bite them. She would have had a whole army of lovers to cater to her every whim if I hadn't of stopped her." He said as he shook his head sadly. "Now I tell her to keep her legs closed or I'll behead her myself." 

     Damien listened to everything that Sethander said. He never knew that this was a common thing among vampires. He definitely didn't know the stories that Sethander just told about himself as well as Xavier and Eva. "They never told me those stories." Damien said. "And they won't either. Xavier really dislikes you…for whatever reason. Eva, she's been around you too long and knows you won't fall for her ruse, so she's bored of you. She won't talk to you like you and she are friends. As for myself, I don't talk to people about my past. Not normally. However, I am your sire and must teach my sired vampires everything they need to know about their lives. I am using these stories as examples, so you know you're not alone. Do not expect me to sit with you and start talking to you and telling you stories about my life." Sethander spoke with a cool voice, meaning business, returning to his ever cool and collected self.

      Damien nodded. "No master…I wouldn't expect you to. But I thank you for telling me this. It helps somewhat. But it's harder for me, since we're life-bonded right? I'm not like Xavier or Eva. Xavier found someone he cared for, but she killed herself when knowing he was a vampire. Eva had gotten pregnant and had no home, food or money. She was desperate. But Anna…she'll be alone if I don't bite her. If she refuses and I never see her again…she'll be miserable." 

     Sethander regarded his words silently for a moment. "What the girl chooses is her business; I will just oversee the act. As your sire…there are a few things you'll need to know before you sire someone else. You have never bitten anyone enough to convert them. Not human anyway. Humans are a lot more complicated then bovine. Bovine are simple creatures and are easily turned, but Humans have more Willpower then cows do. They will try and fight your mind and reject the process, but you need to remain strong and not break the transformation, or she will die." He said. "You will take your blood up into your fangs, and then inject it into her. She will definitely fight you on it, since it will be painful, but you must hold strong and not allow her to pull away."

     Damien nodded, knowing most of the process in turning someone, but like his sire said, he never did it on a human before. He was scared he'd end up killing her before she became a true vampire. "Perhaps we should practice." He said. "I can rustle up a few females for you so you can practice biting and converting them. You can either keep them yourself, or I can kill them after words." He suggested. Damien really didn't like the idea of having his own vampire posse, but he figured he should get the biting and converting process down, so he didn't kill Anna. "Yes, master. I wish to practice, so I can do it right, just in case she does decide to let me bite her." He said. Sethander nodded and then the continued on the way home.

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