Goodnight, Grier.

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Important note: For now in this story, they are still magcon. They had no idea Bart was using them whatsoever. Eventually things will change. New stories coming up, by the way!


"So what'd my grandmother say?"

"Nothing much." I gulped in guilt. And I felt my face going white. He slowly drove out of the hospital parking lot.

Nash's phone went off and he grabbed it to answer, "Hello?"

Nash [you're welcome, ladies]

"It's Bart. On Twitter, fans have spotted you with Ellie at the hospital. I hear you have a new lady friend?" I start to blush and look over at Ellie who has no idea that I'm slowly taking a liking to her, scrolling down twitter. I park on the side of the road.

I whisper, "Sorry, important call." She gave me an awkward small smile.

"Fans are going wild about it. Good wild. Hashtag Nellie is trending worldw-"

I sigh and look back to her as she slowly drifts off to sleep, "Bart, it's fake."

"Excuse me?"

"You see, my grandmother wants me to settle down with a nice girl before she dies. She's currently sick. We all know it's an impossible mission." I look down. "So Ellie decided to help out as my fake girlfriend."

"I don't care. For publicity, these fans love you both together. I want you to please just fake this relationship. For the social media."

"Well," I hesitated. "If it makes my fans happy, then I should be."

I felt Bart's grin through the phone, "Great. I'll see photos uploaded by today." He hung up on me. I look to the right to see Ellie sound asleep and a sign that had read, "El Riyo Park." I looked back at her and then the sign repeatedly. I smiled at the idea of a park date. I gently shook her petite body to wake her up.

She groaned, "Grier, let me sleep."

"We are parked by a park. And I have some news to share with you." She rubbed her eyes, looked into the rear view mirror. [AND ARIANA GRANDE QUEUE, sorry it came into my head]

We started walking along the trail of the huge park. "So Grier, what's up?"

I scratched the back of my neck, sort of nervous of her expression. "Bart had sort of told me that we have to fake our relationship over social media for the fans." She shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"Sure, it's not like I have anything better to do." She started to look at her fingernails.

"You aren't angry that I have to spend more time with you?"

"Nope because number one, if it's for my fans I'll do it. They mean the world to me," she looked up at me and smiled. "And number two, you aren't as bad as I thought."

I looked down blushing, hoping she won't catch me. Liking someone is weirder than I thought it would. She grabbed my hand and looked around the park.

"Some fans are around so..Let's just try to act all lovey dovey, please?" I nodded and I gently put my right hand over her cheek, or to be specific over her jawline. Then when I started to lean in, I heard a squeal.

"O-M-G, IT'S NELLIE!" The girl jumped up and down. I looked over at Ellie who had smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Can I take a picture of both of you kissing me on the cheek?"

I kneeled down to pull her into a hug, "Yeah sure, love." Ellie went to grab some stranger to take our picture.

I kissed her on the cheek as Ellie did the same. "Thank you both so much!" Her smile went from ear to ear, it made me smile as well.

"What's your name?"

"Michi." [You're welcome]

"That's cute!" I hugged her again. "Me and Ellie are going to go head for dinner. Tweet me our picture later and I'll promise I'll follow you!" She smiled and scurried off.

Ellie's hand met mine again as we walked back to the rented car. I opened the car door for her and she gave her famous slight smile.


"Thanks so much for taking me out to dinner," She smiled. I moved my hand, shaking nervously. "It seems really nice here."

"No problem, Ellie." The server had given us the food we had ordered.

"We should play 21 questions while we eat!" She suggested.

"Sure, why not?"

"How many siblings?"

"I have 3. Hayes, Skylynn, & Will. You?"

"Only child but one close step-brother, he's 4."

"Last relationship?" Her eyes were so sparkly as weird as it sounds. They could be any sort of color at anytime. Right now they were just brown but the brown that had a spark to it.

"Freshman year but I broke up with her."

"Not to be nosy or anything but why?"

"The whole relationship was a bet."

She looked down, feeling sorry and continued to eat her food. Throughout the dinner, she would look up at me once in a while.


I brought her to the room she was sharing with Penny. She looked up at me due to how short she was. "I had a great time. Thanks a lot." She smiled at me.

"I did as well, we should do it more often."

"Yeah, we should. Goodnight, Grier." She planted a kiss on my cheek. I looked down and probably had turned into a tomato.

"Goodnight, Mellar." I hugged her and left thinking, wasn't I a lucky guy to be shipped with her?

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