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Waverly and Wynonna gave their new friends a ride on their way to Shorty's. They had called their friends for a gathering, so they could meet the new members of their family. Not only had Waverly gained a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law that day, but she was also going to be the coolest aunt to Mini Haught. Waverly just wished she could also be one to her own niece, Alice. One day, when that damn curse would be broken, she would organise the most amazing family gatherings with everyone in attendance. Waverly could see it in front of her; everyone at the homestead, the children playing outside in the snow. Waverly would make it a family tradition to gather everyone at the homestead to have a fun day.

"Where are we going?" Claire asked.

"We're going to Shorty's. For most of the time, you can find us there." Wynonna responded, as she drove to the bar.

Waverly nodded, "I used to work at that bar. That's where I met Nicole, actually."

"And what did you think of her?" Leo asked curiously.

"The first thing that came to my mind was that she was very hot. Our meeting was actually really awkward. I wanted to take off my shirt, because I had spilled some beer on it. I got stuck while taking it off and your sister was kind enough to help me. I don't know, but I immediately felt a connection with her. However, I had a boyfriend at the time, Champ."

"Biggest asshole on the planet, if I might add." Wynonna interrupted, making Waverly chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't know why I ever had feelings for that guy. Anyways, I broke up with him a few months later and I started dating your sister. And from that day on, we've been a couple. Sure, we have our fights, but I wouldn't imagine sharing my life with anyone else. After two years or so, I proposed to her and shortly after, we got married."

Claire and Leonard smiled, imagining Waverly and Nicole's wedding. "We wish we could've been there."

Waverly nodded, returning the smile. "I would've loved your presence at our wedding. It was very intimate, we just wanted to have a fun day, filled with love, celebrated by our family and friends."

The foursome arrived at Shorty's, Wynonna could see their other friends waiting at the bar through the window, Jeremy and Doc having a heated discussion while Dolls was ordering a beer. Jack and Nedley were talking as well, and if Wynonna had to guess, the conversation was about some police things or something. The two men usually bonded over such things as a break-in or a murder case. But it was good that Jack made some friends, it made him feel more at home. Now, it was Waverly's job to make Purgatory Leonard and Claire's home.

Wynonna stopped the car, turning off the engine. "Who wants a drink?"

"Yes, I could use one." Nicole's brother answered, raising his hand.

"Me too!" Waverly replied, giving a high five to her brother-in-law.

Claire held up her hand, ready to speak up. "I'm just going with a glass of water."

"Whatever you wish." Wynonna said, getting out of the car and closing the car door.

They got into Shorty's, Wynonna and Waverly greeting their friends, while Claire and Leonard got a little shy and stayed a little back, making sure not to draw attention. Dolls asked everyone what they wanted to drink, making his way to the bar to order their drinks.

"Well, who are these two people?" Doc asked, pointing at Leonard and Claire.

"Everyone, meet Leonard Haught and his wife Claire Rhodes-Haught." Waverly announced, "Leonard is Nicole's brother."

Jeremy yelled out of surprise. "Holy shit!"

"Well, that's news..." Dolls said, coming back with the drinks.

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