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"I can't." Waverly whispered, "I won't."

Doctor Wilde withdrew herself from the almost-kiss. "I am sorry. That was never my intention."

Waverly nodded. "It's okay, I understand. We both need comfort at some point, but we should keep this strictly professional."

"Of course." Doctor Wilde responded. "I have patients to go to."

The doctor turned around and walked away, as Waverly watched. The younger Earp had no idea what had just happened. She had almost kissed Nicole's doctor. That was something she would never do; cheat.

"Your wife is done with her CAT scan." a nurse said, tapping on her shoulder. "Nicole's brother has also finished his tests. He and his wife are waiting in Nicole's room."

Waverly nodded in response. "Thank you. I will get her."


Waverly and Nicole were alone as they turned into the final corner towards Nicole's room. Waverly felt the wheelchair stop as they rounded the last corner. Even though she pushed, it wouldn't budge.


Waverly looked down at the redhead, who was staring ahead into the hallway which was completely empty. Nicole's grin came across her face slowly.

"Please?" Nicole asked with puppy eyes. "Come on! Let's have some fun. I'm in a wheelchair and you have a perfect pair of functioning legs."

"You have got to be kidding me." Waverly exhaled, making Nicole laugh. "Fine. Whatever you want, my dear."

Nicole smiled, gripping the arms of her wheelchair tightly. Waverly pulled the wheelchair back before pushing with all of her strength, rolling it along the hospital floor whilst running behind it. Nicole whooped with excitement, speeding down the corridor. Waverly was happy to see Nicole having fun and grinning. The two women reached the end of the corridor, breathless.

"Woohooh!" Nicole laughed, clapping her hands. "Thank you, baby. I needed that."

"I would do anything for you." Waverly grinned. "I do have to say that I married a child."

"I hope you like being married to a child." Nicole replied, pulling Waverly closer to kiss her. "I would rather be at work but no, I have to stay here-"

"To get better and get your legs working." Waverly reminded, wheeling her wife into her room.

Nicole pouted. "Yes, I know."

"Hello, Princess."

"Len?" Nicole asked. "How did the tests go?"

Leonard Haught rose from his place on the sofa. Claire, who was sat on the bed, smiled as she got up. She took the wheelchair's handles from Waverly and pushed her sister-in-law over to the bed. Claire helped Nicole into a standing position, but Nicole winced in pain.

"I'm sorry." Claire apologised, removing her arm.

"It's okay." Nicole said, as Leonard got up to help his wife, placing his right arm around his sister's waist to help her get into bed.

Waverly watched as Nicole's family helped her into bed. Nicole let out a breath as Leonard pulled the covers up to her arms. "Thanks, Len." the redhead mumbled.

Leonard nodded and walked over to the sofa, sitting down next to his wife and wrapping his arm around her waist. Waverly glanced around, noticing the room had been cleaned.

"How are you?" Waverly asked.

Nicole gazed into her wife's eyes. Even though no words were spoken, Nicole understood what Waverly was asking. The Earp wasn't asking how she was doing with her paralysed legs, but she was asking how Nicole was with everything that had happened with her family.

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