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"What are you thinking about, Princess?" Leonard asked his sister, noticing his sister's worried look on her face.

William was still gone for his testing, although Nicole knew it wouldn't be any help. The doctor's results weren't going to be back for another hour, and Nicole was getting sick of sitting between these four walls. 

"Nothing, Len." Nicole replied. "I'm just very, very bored."

Waverly entered the room, instantly seeing Nicole was in a bad mood. "What's going on?"

"I want to go home." the redhead mumbled. "I don't like it here."

"Are you telling me I'm not great company?" Leonard asked, faking a hurtful look, trying to make his sister smile. "How dare you?"

"You've got your wife, your brother and sister-in-law at your side. Isn't that great?" Waverly asked, approaching Nicole and taking a seat next to her on the bed. Waverly carefully placed a kiss on Nicole's shoulder.

"I want a warm bed." Nicole remarked bitterly. "And a hamburger."

"Well, that second thing can be handled. I'll go and get us something to eat, okay?" Waverly replied, looking at the siblings. They nodded in return, which made Waverly stand up. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Claire got up as well. "May I join you please?" The woman felt like it was time to give Nicole and Leonard some privacy, so the Haughts could catch up.

"Of course." 

Leonard watched his wife and his sister-in-law leave, which left him and his sister alone in the room. Over the past few days, Waverly had nothing but been kind to him and his wife. He felt like he had gained another sister. 

"Hey, Bear. What's the matter?"

Nicole's words brought Leonard back to the present. He turned his head to his little sister.

"Nothing. I'm just grateful."

"For what?" Nicole asked. 

Leonard reached his hand to Nicole's hand, holding it. "I'm grateful to be your brother. I missed you so much, Princess."

"I missed you too, Bear. How have you been?"

Leonard chuckled. "Not bad. You know, met Claire in college, married her, expecting a baby with her, missing my little sister. Not bad at all."

"Yeah, I like her." Nicole replied, smiling. "I can't believe you are going to be a father soon."

Leonard's expression turned into a soft smile.  "You can't believe how much I have missed these conversations." 


"Are you kidding? I think about you everyday." Leonard defended quickly. He wasn't lying, he still remembered the day his parents told him they had abandoned Nicole, his sweet and innocent little sister. "So what have you been up to, sis?"

"Well, I've been the Sheriff of this town for quite a while now. I have a good life; married to the hottest chick on the planet, got a man-hating cat and my brother is back, so I'm pretty great."

"Seriously, Nicole." Leonard said as his face expression turned to seriousness. "I want to be in your life."

"You always have been, Bear." Nicole answered, as she took her brother's hand. The two stayed in silence, just holding each other's hand for comfort. The peace wasn't kept long as Waverly came back through the door, carrying a tray of food, shortly followed by Claire. Nicole noticed the dreaded food immediately.

"Jesus Christ Waves! Anything but the Jell-O again!" She threw her hands up, making Waverly and Leonard burst into laughter. "You're killing me, you know that? Killing me!"

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