Imagine Loki impressing you

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You were just relaxing and reading a book in your Asgardian chamber when you heard a knock on the door. You weren't expecting anyone. "Hello?" You wait for an answer. "It's me, Loki, can I come in?" "Sure.", you say and walk towards the door to unlock it. "Hey Loki how are you?" "I want to show you something.", he says. "Hmm okay." You open the door further to let him in. He sits on your bed and then lays his hand next to him, wanting you to sit there. "I thought I said I needed space." He grabs your hands and looks deeply into your eyes with his green eyes. You never really noticed how beautifully green they were. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He puts his arms up and moves his hand around, a blue greenish mist coming out of it. Black flowers appear on your white wall. Roses. They start to shape words. "I LOVE YOU" it says. "Loki I... I don't know what to say." "Do you like it?" You look into his green eyes again, for a second you were lost in them. "I just... Maybe I-I... I need to.." He he interrupts you by planting his lips onto yours. You pull back. "Loki..." "What's wrong?" One week ago you ended your relationship with Loki, well, ended, you wanted a bit of space. "I said I need space. Time to think." "But, Y/N, I love you!" "I know and I love you too, but not now." "Please, Y/N, give me a chance.", he says before kissing you again. This time you accept it, and kiss back. "I only love you Y/N, nobody else." He lets his fingers slip through your hair. You sigh as you lay yourself down on you bed. "Close your eyes.", Loki says. "Open them when I say to." You hear some sounds, the sound of birds and the sea. "Ok open them." You open your eyes and look around you. "Where are we Loki?" "Some island in Midgard." "It's beautiful." "Y/N, I love you. I really really love you." He cups your cheek with one hand and the other rests on your waist, you look into his deeply green eyes before he closes them and kisses you again. After the kiss, you look around again, you were back in Asgard. "Still need you space?", he says and chuckles. "Hmm I'll think about it!", you say jokingly.

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