Imagine marrying Loki

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This is a 3 times as long imagine as normal, just so you know

You wake up alone in your bed. Today was the big day. You were getting married. You and Loki had an agreement you'd sleep seperate, and that you would meet again when you were walking down the aisle. You hear a gentle knock on the door, Loki walks in. "Loki! What are you doing here?", you whisper. "I just couldn't wait that long. I needed to see your beautiful face one more time before marrying.", he says, kissing your forehead. "Now go, promise is promise. And it's already broken now". "But I didn't break anything.", he says and disappears, it was an illusion. "That bastard...", you whisper, giggling. You hear a knock on the door again. "Who is it?" "It's me, Frigga. Can I come in?", she asks. "Just a moment!", you say and put something on. "Come in.", you say and Frigga walks into your room. "Ready for your big day? Oh, I'm so happy for you! Now come on, enough beautysleep, we need to get you ready.", she says hugging you. "How many hours left?", you ask. "We'll have enough time, don't worry." Soon your mother also joins you. "Oh, you look beautiful!", she says when she walks in. Frigga had already done your hair in an updo with flowers in it. "I can't wait to see you in your dress! Loki is so lucky to have you." You blush. "I'm lucky to have him too. Many young woman would kill someone to stand in my shoes". "Close your eyes.", your mother says while she applies the eye shadow. "I'm nervous. What if I put on weight and the dress doesn't fit anymore? What if it tears in front of everyone?" "It won't, I promise. Now, try it on." You haven't seen your dress since the day your mom made it and showed it to you. It was a strapless  off-white dress, with thousands of sequins on the top and little flowers on the skirt to match your hair. The skirt almost looked like a cloud, big, soft and fluffy. Soon thousands of people will see you, marrying the Prince of Asgard, making you his Princess.

You walk out of the dressing room, your mother and almost mother-in-law waiting for you. "Oh honey you look gorgeous!", you mother says, tears in her eyes. "Please don't cry, you're making me cry too... I don't want to ruin my makeup". "Should we go then?" Your mother agreed to walk you down the aisle, sadly because your father lost his life to war. He died as a soldier, trying to bring peace. You take one deep breath, and there you go. Ready to marry the love of your life. The moment your mom walks you down and see Loki, your emotions couldn't handle it anymore. You started crying, Loki chuckled when he saw it. You keep smiling uncontrolablly, just like Loki. When you reached the aisle, your mother lets you go, wiping the tears of your face. Loki stands across from you, holding your hands into his. "We have gathered today to bond two people to eternity...", Odin continues, but your aren't paying attention. All you could do was stare into those beautiful green eyes. Your head was in the clouds, thinking about being Loki's wife. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, Prince Loki and his Princess Y/N. You may now kiss the bride." You smile and come closer to Loki, leaning in for a kiss. He cupped your cheeks with his hand and you cupped his. There was loud cheering all around you, people throwing flower petals in the air. You still couldn't believe it, you were so happy! "I love you, forever and ever.", Loki whispers into your ear, gently kissing your neck. "There are no words can express my love for you. I am happy to spend the rest of my life as your wife". "And I am happy to be your husband.", he says, raising your chin with his hand, kissing you again. "I am so happy for you two!", Frigga says, hugging you both.

"Oh Loki, you grow up so fast, I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you too, Y/N, I see you as my own daughter." You blush and sigh, realising how happy you were. Since the day you first met Loki, you hand a special connection, and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.

You want to walk into your room but Loki stops you. "What's wrong?", you ask. Without answering he lifts you up in the air, dragging you on the bed. "I like traditions. I want to keep it a tradition.", he says joining you on the bed. You lie on your back, resting on your elbows. He leans in for a kiss but you stop him, putting your fingers on his lips. "Wait here.", you say. "But I can't wait". "I'll let you." You get off the bed, and walk over to the bathroom, taking off your dress. You were nervous, although it was just Loki. You were getting nauseous and lightheaded. "Loki?" "What is it darling?", he asks. "I'm not feeling that well...", you say, black spots starting to appear in front of you. "What's the matter?"  "I-I... I am...", you say weakly. "Please tell me what's wrong.", he says and bangs on the bathroom door. You try to open the door, but you fall onto the ground. "Y/N please open the door! I'm worried!" You weakly get up, trying to open the door. When you finally  manage to open the door, Loki rushes to you. "Y/N, look at me.", he says raising your chin up. "How do you feel?" "I think I'm gonna... faint." You looked death pale and you were weak. "You will be okay, I promise. Okay?" You nod as tears stream down your face. "I... I was nervous. I think that's why I fainted". "But darling, there is no need to be nervous, I love you.", he says cupping your cheek. "I know, I love you too. It's just... I don't know if I'm ready yet." He wipes away your tears with his thumb. "It's alright Y/N. We have lots of other times. For you I would wait centuries, whenever you're ready". "Thank you". "Anything for you.", he says, kissing your forehead, slowly tucking you to sleep.

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