Imagine Loki asking you out

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You put your hand on your forehead too protect your eyes from the sun and look up to the birds who are flying miles above you. You start swinging in the swing that hung down in a tree, the wind's making your hair dance. You and Loki were supposed to meet but like always he's late again. You grabbed your arch and already started to shoot at some falling leafs to kill the time. Focussed on the leafs, you didn't notice Loki, so you accidentally shoot your arrow at Loki, him catching it just inches from his face. "Next time watch where you shoot." "Loki! I'm sorry I didn't see you there.", you say apologising. "I deserved that, I'm late again. I'm sorry, I just needed to get some stuff done." "It's alright Loki. Now let's go shoot some birds!" "Erm Y/N?", he suddenly asks. "Yes Loki?" "I actually wanted to do something else." You look confused at him. "But then I brought my arch for nothing..." "Please, Y/N, it's important." You sigh and go with it. "What is it Loki?" "This has been going on for a long time and I need to ask you something. Would you like to eh... to go on a date? W-with me?" "Erm..." You were surprised, and for a moment you forgot to answer. "You can always say no... I-I mean y-you don't have to...' "I'd love to." A wide smile appears on his face. "I'm glad you want to go with me." He sticks out his hand to you and you grab it. Together you walk hand in hand though the Asgardian gardens of the palace, where you used to play when you were kids. "This is a nice spot.", Loki says and makes a waving motion with his hands, and a pile of pillows appear on the grass together with several kinds of fruits and sweets. "Picnic?", you ask. "Come sit." "How cliche.", you say jokingly. You sit next to him and are surprised when you feel his hand on your waist. You're not used to seeing your best friend as a date, but you quite like it. "Loki?" "Yes?" "I need to tell you something. I wanted to ask you out for so long. I just don't have the guts for it. So thank you Loki." "My pleasure.", he says. "Oh and another thing.", you say and press your lips against his. You put your hand on his cheek, he does the same. After a long, breathtaking kiss, you look into each other's eyes. "I love you Loki." You hang out in the gardens all day, luckily no one interupting you.

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