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  • Dedicated to My devoted readers

Dear Readers,

I've decided that I'm going to take The True or False Identity out of this years Watty Awards and place it in next years. The reason why is because I've been having a major case of writers block, as you might've noticed, and haven't written any sucessful chapters in a while. Also, school will be starting up again and me having so much school work and playing on sports teams will make it difficult to continue and finish TTOFIOTIF by the due date in October. I really wish I could continue with it, but it's too much of a struggle, considering what's going on in my life right now. In fact, I won't be on Wattpad as often as usual because of sports teams, homework, dances, after school clubs, etc. I might be able to go on once or twice a week at the most. On good weeks, probably three times. Also, if you're reading any of my other works, I won't be able to start/finish those until the school year is over. :( I know this is upsetting (maybe...) but it's only temporary. I'll see if I can get this story done for next years Awards, but if not then maybe the years after that? Actually, I have no idea if I'll even be on Wattpad for that long. So! If this is it for TTOFIOTIF...I'm extremely bummed. But if not, I'll see you next year! Keep writing and stay classy. 

Best Regards,

Scotti <3

P.S. Don't just take this off of your reading list because I'm not working on it at the moment. :( I'll try to write when I can, I promise. 

The True or False Identity of T.I. Fictus (Next Years Watty Awards)Where stories live. Discover now