Festivals and Fights

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A/N: Hi readers! Thank you so much for finding this story, even reading it means the world. I'm going to try for the Watty Awards 2012 this year! I have no idea if I will fulfil your reading likes, or make it anywhere in the Awards. I'm praying that I'll have some inpact on the Awards this year, but all I can do is hope for the best! I would like to thank my dear friend, Ashley (you can find her at @secretbeauty_ here on Wattpad! She also has a story running for the Watties this year, it's called Fixing You. I incourage you to read it, the story has a tremendously amazing plot), whom without, I wouldn't be here. She has encouraged me, helped me, criticized me, and loved me. She was the first to read my beginning chapter and she convinced me to continue and keep going. Thank you so much, Ash. :) Love ya! I would also like to thank my sisters, Gage and Sierra (who probably aren't reading this), who have made this experience called life totally worthwhile. They told me to keep writing, no matter how many people think it's nerdy and weird. They love me for who I am, and I wouldn't be who I am without them today. Thirdly, I would like to thank @Jessabellx. She probably has NO idea why I'm thanking her, but I have my reasons. I was reading her book, The Girl Who Sold Herself on Ebay (very good, by the way. You MUST read it), and I got the idea to upload my new story to the Watty Awards. Even though we are running against eachother, I am verymuch routing for her to win. If not, I'd like to be a close second, I think. ;) And lastly, I would like to thank YOU. You fans and readers and voters and commenters? You mean the world and beyond to me. Without you, I wouldn't even BE here! I would never have the courage to write online for everyone to see. But the support has been everything for me, and it gave me hope that I could write something and people would enjoy it. I love the gracious comments, the hater comments (I love you guys, even if you think I'm the Wicked Witch), the jealous comments, and the spam comments (not really...but you know, it makes the book look pretty popular! Kidding, kidding). Ugh, I know this was a LONG Author's Note, but thanks for bearing with me here!



* Special thanks to @LilyAvenue for making the AMAZING cover! Also, thanks to @secretbeauty_ for the totally awesome banner! Love you guys!


Chapter 1: Festivals and Fights


    "Becca! School!" 

    Ah, school. The one word that can make children all over the globe shudder with fear, snuggle deeper into their blankets, and hit the snooze button all in one utter. I let out an unhumane sounding moan and burrow myself into the warm den of my mattress and comforter. Two seconds later, my alarm clock sounds. The irritating bleep blares through my room, leaving a ringing in my ears. 

    "Gah!" I growl while throwing a pillow at the clock, at an attempt to smother it. It only muffles the agrrivating sound. I give up, just what the alarm clock wants, and pound my fist onto the Off button. Stuffing my feet into my worn in duck slippers, I shuffle downstairs. The inviting smell of waffles and warm honey greet me.

    "Morning, my little Beckie-Boo," my mother says kindly, wrapping me in a hug. I grimace at the baby-ish nickname she uses, but hug her back. She plops a plate of steaming fresh waffles with honey and strawberries infront of me. I take a quick chomp.

    "Anything in school today?" Mom asks. I mentally plead my younger sister not to mention the Fall Festival.

    "The Fall Festival is this afternoon," Rachel chirps. I groan. Of course she had to say it. Rachel, Little Miss. Most-Popular-in-the-Franklin-Household and the most social butterfly I've laid eyes on.  

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