Aichi X Kourin: Smile

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“A picture of you will always be stuck on my mind the moment I separate from you.” –MarieJulienne6

Suggested by: GilbertGil8

“Turn to the left, perfect!” The camera flashed, blinding the blonde model posing for the camera. Kourin blinked right after the take, protecting her eyes from the white lights around her.

“Perfect shots Kourin-san! You're great at your job!” The photographer complimented her as an assistant handed her a drink. She faked a smile at all the producers and directors, thanking them for giving her such praises. But she knew better than to believe their claims.

“Look, it's that blonde Tatsunagi bitch.”

“God, I hate her so much.”

Many fake fans have said those very words. Then her stylists and managers, and it was not too long before her own family. They judged her for every single action she made, whether good or bad.

“Kourin-san! Your ride is ready.” Kourin looked at her manager with an emotionless expression before walking to the black limo waiting for her. She heard him mutter a name before he entered after.

“What are my next appointments? Or am I free by that time?”

“Well, you have a photoshoot after lunch. The summer dress photoshoot for Paledina Royale.”

Kourin nodded. A lot of time had passed by and soon, Kourin arrived at the photo studio of Paledina Royale. As she entered the large room, she was greeted by many people on the way to the photographer.

“Hello Miss Tatsunagi! You look absolutely gorgeous today!”

“Would you like me to serve you anything, Ma'am?”

“Welcome, Miss Kourin!”

She greeted back with another fake smile before walking to the photographer. His hair was blue, and he looked very focused on fixing the shot of the camera. Kourin cleared her throat to get his attention and to her surprise, he flinched.

“A—Ah! Miss Kourin! You're here! Pardon me for not noticing you! I'm Aichi Sendou, the photographer for this shoot.” He stretched his hand out, waiting for her to shake his hand. Kourin shook his hand, a fake smile on her face.

“Very nice to meet you, Mister Sendou.” She spoke in a sweet and innocent voice. Aichi's expression turned neutral as he looked at Kourin straight in the eye, not letting go of her hand.

‘Is this guy seriously not gonna let go?’ She complained in her head as she waited for him to let go.

“Um, my hand...” She hinted. Aichi snapped out of his gaze and sheepishly smiled, scratching his head.

“Sorry about that! Shall we start?” In no time, everything was set and the photoshoot began. Sometimes, Kourin had to smile for the camera. Instead of a true smile, she faked smiles and happy faces. No one seemed to have noticed the misery and loneliness behind those smiles.

“Alright! That's all the photos!” Aichi exclaimed as he backed away from the camera. Kourin coolly approached him with another fake smile, wanting to see how they had turned out.

“How did the photos turn out?”

“The pout ones look great! And the smiles look ok, but I just really wanted to ask something.” Kourin felt anxious as he looked at her with his innocent looking eyes.

“Why do you fake your smiles?” Kourin looked taken aback, how had he been through her façade? Could it be when he stared at her awhile ago?

“I mean, I don't mean to sound rude but I have noticed that you keep faking smiles, and at a few interviews even your attitude.” Now Kourin was shocked. How did he notice?

“A—Ah, is that so?” She tried to hide her shock. “Well, I have been feeling stressed lately that I couldn't show a true smile.”

Aichi had nodded, understanding her ‘situation’. He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to her. Kourin took it and saw his business details.

“I know I should stay professional, but I really wanted to help you with your problem. So, if you feel lonely or something like that, don't hesitate to text. Maybe we can have a coffee sometime.” He smiled at her one last time before walking into the faceless crowd of fakes.

While in the car, she brought out her phone and saved the number. With a true smile in her face, she started typing her message. Warmth ran all throughout her body as she read what she had wrote.

‘tnx so much for today, i didn't realize someone would be able to see through me. ur definitely an interesting fella. how about coffee next friday? — Kourin’

In an instant, she got her reply.

‘of course, Kourin-san. I'd love to go!’ Kourin smiled to herself as she turned her phone off, warmth felt in her chest area. This was definitely going to be interesting.

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