Kai X Miwa : Sober

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A/N: Istg this is the only time I'm doing this HAHAHA it's not even good.

Misaki rarely drinks, if not rarely, then never. But the recent cardshop tournament she had to host and organize really took a toll on her. She had to curse her friends, Kai, Aichi, Kenji, Ren, and Leon for coming on such a short notice just to compete, and making the whole Card Capital 2 crowded with people. Though she was thankful to them and she did have a lot of fun fighting and catching up with Asaka, Yuri, Sharlene and Jillian.

But of course, her exhaustion turned into a thirst for liquor. She didn't want to go alone to drink, so she thought of inviting two of her great friends with you.

"Kai, Miwa," The two men faced her with a soft expression on their faces. "Are you two free later?"

"Why do you ask?" Kai asked the manager. Misaki sent a wide smile.

"I was wondering if you guys wanted to get drinks later." Miwa and Kai's eyes widened. They knew very well that it wasn't very like Misaki to suggest them that all of a sudden.

Miwa put his hand on her forehead, "Are you running a fever or something?"

Misaki swatted Miwa's hand out of her forehead in annoyance, "I'm conpletely fine. Besides, you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do." Kai told her before eying Miwa.

The blonde smiled, "Alright. I'll go."

Misaki smiled, "Let's meet at seven o'clock here in Card Capital."

Her two male friends nodded before bidding their goodbyes to the manager. Misaki felt a bit excited to drink with the two again. After the Reverse incident, the trio grew closer to one another. They were, after all, the older kids who played the game, and their ages weren't too far apart, so they got along really fine.

Misaki had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, what was the worse that could happen?

•  •  •

Seven o'clock finally came. Instead of being in her usual long dress, Misaki wore a grey tank top under a magenta colored jacket. She had dark-blue jeans on, and she wore black ankle boots.

The door opened, revealing the two spiky-haired men she invited to drink with her.

"Yo, Misaki. You ready?" Miwa grinned, seeing Misaki in a different outfit other than a dress for once.

"Yeah, I am." She replied curtly, and the three left Card Capital.

Arriving at the bar, they took their seat at one of the round couches and ordered sake and beer. They took the first drink, and Misaki was immediately refreshed.

Misaki ahhed, chugging all that liquor in one go. Kai and Miwa were impressed, the woman sure knows how to handle her liquor.

"That hit the spot!" She exclaimed, a happy grin plastered on her face. They continued to drink to their hearts content, until someone started to get drunk.

"You know, now that I think about it, Misaki looks waaayyy better in pants rather than those dresses and skirts. She looked like an old lady in them." Miwa slurred, continuing to drink his eighth mug of beer. He was red like beet.

Misaki couldn't help but raise a brow at him before taking a piece of meat from the dish they ordered, "I'll take that as a suggestion, seeing as how I know you only meant to state your opinion at that. Otherwise you'd be six feet under."

"I'm surprised he's the first one to get really drunk between the three of us." Kai couldn't help but say so. Misaki raised a brow at him with a smile.

"What, you thought I was gonna go down first?" Kai didn't answer her question, and instead paid attention to Miwa, who almost finished a bottle of beer all by himself.

"Oi, Miwa, get it together and stop drinking so much. You've already had enough--" Kai was cut off by Miwa suddenly hugging him.

"Akari~" Miwa purred, and Kai was creeped out to the max. Misaki watched, triumphant that Kai got what he deserved.

"Oi, Tokura! Help me here--" Misaki continued to drink and ignored Kai's calls.

"That's what you deserve if you thought that the Boss Lady couldn't hold her liquor."

"I thought you hated that nickname?!"

Kai had already been tackled on the cushion of the couch by the drunk blonde. Misaki brought out her phone and started taking videos and pictures.

"Tokura, don't you dare even send anyone those--" Once again, Kai was cut off by Miwa holding his chin and forcing him to look at his eyes. For once, Kai was petrefied.

"You know, Kai, you're a really attractive, handsome guy, you know that?" Miwa hicced, smirking. Kai couldn't help but admit, under the lighting of the dim lights, Miwa looked hot.

"You have a girlfriend, Miwa. Snap out of it and stop this." Kai warned, he knew his limits. Misaki continued taking pictures and watching the two.

"You are my girlfriend. What, you think I have someone else?" Miwa neared his face to Kai's, their faces centimeters apart. Kai's heart was pounding like crazy, he could literally die from a heart attack at that moment.

"Oi, Miwa! I'm not Yotsue! Snap out of--" Misaki gasped and shreaked with excitement. Miwa had just planted a soft kiss on Kai's lips.

Kai couldn't help but note that Miwa tasted like alcohol, but with a sweet aftertaste. The kiss lasted for about five seconds before Kai pushed Miwa off him.

Kai was now beet red after the little incident happened. He took an unopened bottle of sake and chugged it all in one go. Misaki was impressed at how good he was in drinking after he moved on another bottle after emptying out the contents of the last bottle.

Miwa has fallen asleep beside Kai, and Kai was glad it was all over. Misaki couldn't help but tease the Cold Vanguard Prince, as he was known before.

"How was it? Did you enjoy kissing Miwa?" She teased, and Kai smirked.

"Tease me any more, and maybe I'll do the same thing he did to me to you." Kai threatened her, which got her to shut up. Of course, Misaki didn't take him seriously, but she knew getting on Kai's bad side meant trouble.

It was the end of the night, and Kai, Misaki, and a drunken Miwa carried by Kai finally got out of the bar.

"Will you be alright on your own going home?" Kai asked the female, who had called a cab for Kai and Miwa.

Misaki smiled, watching Kai put Miwa inside, "I may be drunk, but I'm not weak."

Kai smirked and got inside the cab, "We'll go on ahead."

Misaki waved and watched as the cab they rode in grew more and more distant as time continued to move. She opened her phone and sent all her documentations to Akari and Team Q4.

Kai was going to kill her, but at that moment she really didn't care.

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