Kai X Misaki: After School Plans + ANNOUNCEMENT

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It was a rather sunny afternoon and school in Miyaji had just ended. Students came rushing out of their classrooms, some having plans for the day ahead. Misaki's after school plans were the usual: work her shift in Card Capital, read books and maintain peace in the shop.

Misaki placed a few of her belongings in her bag while remembering the things she had to do in preparation for the next day. Quizzes, Assignments, Projects came rushing into her head as she each recited it to herself. She completely ignored her other schoolmates as she quickly left her room.

She never bothered to make that many friends as she believed it would only waste her time, thus having her not experience many activities that girls her age do (such as go to a karaoke bar, have fun in an amusment park, etc.).

"Misaki! Would you like to come with us to the new cafe that opened?" Akari suddenly asked, standing behind Misaki. The lilac-haired girl only looked at the greenette with a blank stare and spoke in a monotone voice:

"Sorry, I already have plans."

The greenette only frowned, knowing the true reason as to why she couldn't go. To Akari, it seems that Misaki didn't like hanging out with a lot of people and would rather work at her uncle's cardshop than live life. It was a place where she couldn't really ask the lilac-haired girl about.

"Aw, that's too bad. See you tomorrow then!"

With that said, Misaki was left alone.

She continued walking till she reached the gate of the school. There, she saw many students with their groups, chatting about where they could hang out.

"Hey, let's go to the mall today!"

"Shall we go to that fair that opened in Tokogawa Square?"

Somehow, Misaki felt a little jealous after hearing the so many plans that students had. She didn't have the time to go out and have fun, she didn't even have that many friends to go with her.

Walking down the familiar path to the card shop, Misaki felt rather gloomy all of a sudden. The day was still young, perfect for a day of reading. So, why?

Suddenly, Misaki saw her male teammate around the other side of the road. It seems that he had noticed that she was there as he was walking to her now.

"Kai? Are you going to the shop?" The lavender-haired beauty asked the brunnette. "and why isn't Miwa with you?"

"Miwa needed to catch up on a few things at school since he was slacking off, so he told me to go ahead to Card Capital. Why? Miss your boyfriend already?" Misaki looked at him, surprised. She never would've expected Kai to tease her about asking where an acquaintance was.

She glared at him, "He isn't my boyfriend."

Kai only looked at her with narrowed eyes and surprisingly, a smile. Misaki was now hella shocked, Kai knew how to smile?

"You're... Smiling..." She could only whisper. Kai realized this and covered his face, which was turning red by the second. Misaki couldn't help but chuckle. It then went pretty silent until Kai popped a question.

"Is.... Is it ok if I take you somewhere before we go to Card Capital?"

Misaki once more stared at Kai in shock. Never in her life she had expected Kai to ask her that, and have a long conversation with her. She then realized what he was doing, stopped in her tracks and blushed beet red. Kai noticed and realized as well.

“Ah—I didn't mean it like that! I just saw you looking gloomy as you walked out of your school.” Kai looked away, red as a tomato like Misaki.

“Just think of it as a hangout with a friend.” He included.

Misaki smiled at him, “Of course. I'll just text Shin about it, I'm sure he won't worry too much.”

Misaki brought out her phone and proceeded to inform her uncle. While she was doing so, Kai was watching her captured by her smile. She looked rather pretty when smiling, he wanted to tell her that.

“Alright, that's done. Now, where did you want to take me?” Misaki tilted her head to the brunette. Suddenly, Kai took her hand and started walking.

“K—Kai?” She felt blood rushing up her face as she stared at their intertwined hands.

“Just trust me, Tokura. Oh, and close your eyes.”

Misaki felt unsure about letting herself become vulnerable, but it's Kai, someone who she trusts. Misaki closed her eyes and then let Kai take her to the place. They walked for about five minutes, with Kai never letting go of Misaki. In that span of 5 minutes, Misaki felt rather safe around Kai.

“Alright Tokura, you can open your eyes.” Kai told her, letting go of her hand. Misaki stared in shock at what was in front of her.

“Whoa! I've never been to a carnival before!”  She exclaimed, excitement noted in her voice. She looked like a normal teenage girl now that she wasn't cold and collected.  It truly surprised Kai and it made him want to do the same.

“I'm glad you like it.” Kai looked down on her with a grin. His eyes crinkled and his teeth pearly white. Misaki was somewhat awed by him.

“Shall we go in?”

Kai asked the lavender-haired girl, to which she replied with a nod. They both paid for their tickets (much to Kai's disapproval) and proceeded to line up for a few rides.

They first rode a rollercoaster, then moved on to a viking, played a few carnival games, and took dozen of pictures. Misaki definitely couldn't hide the fact that it was one of the best experiences she had in her life, and Kai would definitely say the same.

Right now, Misaki and Kai were lining up in an fast food stall and debating on what to buy.

“I'll get a hotdog with drinks, what about you?” Misaki told the brunette, tilting her head to look at him eye-to-eye. Kai looked at the menu.

“Just a cheeseburger.”

It was their turn to order, and they told what they wanted to order. As Misaki brought out her purse to pay, Kai immediately gave enough money for their food. Misaki could only stare at Kai in shock before feeling a bit angry.

“Why did you pay for mine? I could've paid my own!”

She harshly whispered at the brunette, her brows furrowed and lips pouted. Kai found it quite cute, and he had a slight tint of red on his cheeks.

“I've always wanted to do that, Tokura. Please, let it slide just this once.”

Misaki felt bad, yet let it slide. The two of them sat beside each other, eating their meals. The day was coming to an end, so they decided to leave already. Walking to Card Capital, Misaki was troubled. Kai noticed this but didn't bother to ask, he thought that it wasn't a big deal and that he shouldn't worry about it.

Reaching the glass doors of the store, the two stopped in their tracks.

“Thank you for today, Kai. I really enjoyed.”

“No problem.”

“See you tomorrow, then.”


Misaki then started walking inside the shop, but stopped. Kai wondered why, when suddenly she ran towards him. He stopped for a few moments, trying to take in what was going on.

Misaki had kissed him on the lips. It was short, but rather sweet. It made him realize the true reason why he took her to the amusement park today. It was because he wanted to go on a date with her. When they pulled away from each other, Misaki smirked at the red brunette before entering the shop.

At that moment, Kai never felt more lovestruck than ever.



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