Cardfight Vanguard G Ships: The Feeding Contest

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AN: Featuring the ships Chronoha, Shiam, Lunishi and Kazumi (Not the actual Kazumi, the ship!)! Takes place around CFV G Next.

Kazumi suggested by VanguardRanger25

Chronoha suggested by

Shiam suggested by

“A feeding contest? No way.” Kazuma sternly told his two friends.

“Come on! It'll be fun!” Chrono persuaded, elbowing Kazuma lightly.

“Give it a little thought, Kazuma! Pictures of girls feeding you guys is gonna make such good blackmail material!”

“The more I don't want to do it, Taiyou.”


Kazuma groaned as Chrono and Taiyou pestered him on. Won't they ever stop?

“Gr, fine! I'll join this stupid contest with you guys!” He gave in, glaring at the two who were celebrating. Little did he know what he was getting himself into.

- - -

“Alright! We're gonna win this!” Yelled out the determined greenette as she walked inside the restaurant followed by her teammates.

“Oh, Tokoha you're here to participate too?” Tokoha looked at her left to see Chrono and his team. He looked at her with an amused smirk and challenging eyes.

Tokoha felt butterflies in her stomach as she cleared her throat.

“O—Of course I would! What do you think of me not to?” She couldn't help but stutter.

“Well, then I guess TRY3's competing once more.” Everyone looked to see who was at the door and to their surprise it was Shion.

“Whoa, and for once it's not Vanguard.” Taiyou commented with Kazuma, Kumi and Enishi nodding. As the teens get into deep discussions with other matters, they hadn't realized 2 contestants in disguise.

“I hope we aren't, pant, too late, pant.”

Everyone looked at the two and received a big shock when the two removed their disguise.

“Rummy Labrinth?! You too?!”

“Yups! And we're ready to take the challenge!” Luna enthusiastically yelled out, pumping her fist high. Enishi looked away, feeling his heart beat faster and faster.

Is it because I'm nervous? No, it's because of her

“Alright kids! We're about to start! We'll regroup you into a mix of boys and girls by draw lots and then we'll start.” Everyone looked at him shocked, some even getting nervous. Each of the participants drew lots, and Kazuma got the number 8.

As he neared his table, he saw a familiar pink haired girl which he's classmates with. The two seemed shocked as they made eye contact with each other.

“Kumi? So you're my partner?”

“Kazuma? Well this is gonna be interesting.” She smiled at him with her contagious smile. Kazuma found himself smiling as he gazed at the female's eyes.

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