Chrono X Tokoha: Pocky!

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AN: I was inspired by the ads on YouTube. Can't wait for November 11!

“Hey guys! Why don't we play a game?” Kumi suggested as she ate a Pocky stick. Currently, Kumi and Team TRY3 were out in the park hanging out. Tokoha took out a pocky stick and munched on it as she looked at Kumi.

“Sure, but what game?” Chrono asked, following what the greenette had done just awhile ago. Shion observed the three eat a Pocky and an idea sparked in his mind.

“What about truth or dare?” Chrono raised a brow at the blonde.

“You serious? Us playing a kid's game?”

“Hey, it's not a bad idea you know!”

“ Yeah, yeah,  whatever you say Tokoha.” Chrono rolled his eyes much to the annoyance of Tokoha. Instead of causing an outburst, she stayed silent.

“Alright, truth or dare it is!” Kumi energetically exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. Shion looked at Kumi with a smile and nodded.

“I'll ask someone first. Tokoha, I choose you!” She smiled mischievously. Tokoha wondered what kind of scheme Kumi was cooking up once again.

“Dare.” She told them courageously. Kumi and Shion smirked, their plan going the right way.

“Alright then, your dare is to play the Pocky game!”

“What?” The two exclaimed, shock in their voices as they looked at Kumi and Shion with wide eyes. Kumi  laughed really hard as she watched their reaction.

“K–Kumi! Can't you give me a lighter dare?” Tokoha begged, however Kumi shook her head.

“A dare is a dare, sweetie, so no can do.” Tokoha's face reddened.

“But why am I involved the dare? And why the Pocky game with her?” Chrono pointed at Tokoha, looking both angry and confused as he as well had a blush on his face.

“Because you have to, alright!” Kumi snapped, her usual cheery demeanor gone. Chrono grew terrified of her as he noded slowly. He looked at Tokoha as he picked up a Pocky stick and held an end with his mouth. Nervous, she bit the chocolate end.

“Alright, begin the biting!” Kumi exclaimed as she brought out her phone. The two started biting, their blush getting more color as their lips neared to one another. Kumi was fangirling hard while Shion looked at the two with amusement.

“Kiss! Kiss!”

With one last bite, their lips touched. Tokoha felt butterflies flutter in her stomach, her heart beating like a drum. Fireworks were exploding in Chrono's chest as they kissed for at least five seconds before pulling away.

Kumi was definitely no longer normal as she was animalistic about the kiss. But after the game, Chrono couldn't take his eyes off of Tokoha. When they bid their goodbyes, Chrono decided to go with Tokoha to Card Capital (much to her discomfort).

“You know, I kinda enjoyed that kiss.” Chrono told Tokoha as they walked to Card Capital together. A blush crept through Tokoha's face as her heart quickened. She looked at Chrono with a shocked face.

“I–Idiot! Don't say that in front of me!”

“Alright, but will there be a next time?”

“S–Shut up!”

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