Operation Trick-Or-Treat!

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                      Part one!

[Authors Note]

  this is a pretty long chapter, so i reccomend reading when you dont have anything else to do and grab some snacky snacks. XD

Part two will be uploaded tonight!

Happy Halloween!

Stay safe!

If you go out for candy make sure you're not alone and dont talk strangers! And check your candy!

If you're handing out candy make sure to check whos at your door before answering! It's dangerous to just open up your door!


  The whole 'Bakusquad' was sitting all around Sero and Bakugou's dorm living room.

Ashido was sitting on the floor, back against the couch, and filing her nails. "Speaking of Halloween~" She chimed. "There's a Halloween party in one of the dorms! Let's all go together!"

"Ah hell yeah!" Kaminari was laying on the floor with his head on Sero's legs as he sat next to him.

"Ahh I won't be able to." Kirishima walked in from the kitchen, handing everyone a can of soda before sitting down.

"Aww why not?" Ashido whined, looking over at him.

"My parents are going to a highschool reunion party, so they asked me to take my youger siblings out to get candy." Kirishima opened up his can and hit his knee up against Bakugou's thigh. "Bakubro said he'd come with me." He grinned widely.

Bakugou scrunched his face up into a glare and raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember ever fucking saying that."

Kirishima chuckled, "Aw come on dude." Kirishima gestured to the others. "Would you really wanna go to a party with them, rather than go trick or treating with your best bro?"

Bakugou scoffed, "First of all, you're all annoying as fuck and secondly, I'd rather spend my night sleeping, rather than going anywhere with any of you."

Sero spoke up, "You should know that if you were to try and sleep Ashido would probably just somehow kidnap you and bring you to the party."

"How dare you expose my evil plan?!" Ashido complained and stomped down on the floor with her feet.

Kaminari picked up the remote and clicked through Netflix, trying to find a scary movie. "He's not wrong, you'll probably end up tied to the ceiling and used as a disco ball." Kaminari laughed out.

"So Bakugou, it's your choice. Do you wanna be the disco ball of the year or you could hang out with the coolest man, me, and steal candy from my siblings." Kirishima laughed and sipped his soda.

"Wow you sound like the worst brother ever." Ashido snorted before pointing at the screen and telling Kaminari to pick a movie about some type of possessed doll.

Bakugou let out a grunt.

If he went with Kirishima that meant getting to know him better and raising his chances with him.

But it also meant being around little annoying ass children.

"I'll go with you shit hair, but on one fucking condition." Bakugou growled.

Kirishima's face lit up. "And that condition is?"

Bakugou thought for a moment.

"You have to wear a fucking costume, but I get to choose what it is." He said smirking, already knowing he's gonna embarrass the hell out of him.

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