Big Bad Wolf.

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                     ~Part two~

"WHENEVER I SEE SOMEONE LESS FORTUNATE THAN I AND LET'S FACE IT, WHO ISN'T LESS FORTUNATE THAN I?!" Akari basically screamed into Bakugou's ear from the backseat of the car.

Eijiro laughing his ass off as the second oldest kid screamed every lyric to the damn musical that played on the cars speakers.

Bakugou leaned over to Kirishima and talked loud enough so he could actually hear him. "Is there anyway to make her shut up?"

"Aw come on, Bakugou! Don't be a party pooper!" Kirishima chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road.

"POPULAR! YOU'RE GONNA BE POPULAR!" Akari screamed again causing Bakugou to let out a groan and lean back into his seat.

"This is torture." He grumbled.

Kirishima glanced at Bakugou with his usual smile. "We're here anyways and atleast you're not the one in a cheap skirt. Where did you even buy this? The dollar store?" he gestured to his costume.

Bakugou glared at him as they pulled into the parking lot. "It wasn't a gift you idiot!! It's not supposed to be comfortable!"

Kirishima pouted, parking the car and taking off his seatbelt. "Geez someone's grouchy." He turned the car off and followed after the kids who were already hopping out of the car.

"Shut up." He growled and stepped out of the car and shut his door almost in sync with Kirishima's.

"Yeah, yeah." Kirishima laughed and walked beside Bakugou as the kids all squealed and laughed. "I should get you something to match with me!"

Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked in as Kirishima held the door open for him. All three kids were already running around looking at was left of the costumes and props inside ths almost abandoned Halloween store.

"What about the big bad wolf? It's scary for you since wolves are technically dogs." Kirishima smirked looking over at Bakugou.

"I'll fucking kill you." He growled as he followed Kirishima around the store, looking for stuff that would work for the costume.

Soon enough Kirishima found a fluffy blonde clip-on tail, a weird red collar, and blonde wolf ears that were attached to a headband. "Do you think we need anything else? Or is this good?" Kirishima held up the items with a smile.

"It's fine shitty hair, now let's go already."

"Hey! Watch your mouth Bakugou we've been over this!" Kirishima whined out, "Also, maybe we should get fangs for you!"

By now Bakugou wasn't listening.
He was more concerned about the asshole cashier that was obviously letting his eyes wander up and down Kirishima's body and it was then that Bakugou realized he didn't have the cape on that covered up his exposed skin.

"Where the fuck is your cape?" Bakugou growled out, averting his eyes from the random dude back to Kirishima.

"Eh? Oh, I left it in the car. Why?" Kirishima tilted his head a bit.

Bakugou aggressively grabbed his shoulder and pulled him, "Let's hurry up and find those fucking fangs or whatever."


  After managing to find a pair of fake fangs and getting all of the Kirishima's back they made their way over to where the cash register was and of course, of fucking course the asshole that was staring at Eijiro earlier was the only cashier working.

Kirishima walked up with his bright smile and set the items onto the counter.

The guy smiled back and scanned the items, "How's your day so far?" His gaze looked like a predator staring down at its prey and it made Bakugou uncomfortable.

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