Welcome to UA!

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Here he was.

A dream come true.

Bakugou gazed at the building infront of him.

'UA, I told you I'd make it here.'

He smirked.

UA was the best college you could go to. Not only was it great education, but the area was beautiful.

It's close to the beach and has tons of parks around. Perfect for photography.

He stepped into the building and looked for a map.

Newcomers were supposed to meet in the gym, but he had no idea where that was.

He noticed a small table with small booklets placed on it.

He scanned them all till he found the map and grabbed it.

Unfortunately the gym was on the complete other side of the campus.

He began walking and made his way outside and hot damn, the courtyard was stunning.

Everything fit in well, the trees, the lamposts, small flower bushes. It was just breathtaking.

He was about to pop in his earphones when he heard someone yell.


He turned his head to see a football barreling towards him.

He didn't have time to react, other than shutting his eyes as quickly as possible.


He flinched, but it didn't hurt. He actually didn't feel any pain whatsoever.

He slowly opened his eyes to see a blonde guy walking towards him with a bright smile, except he was looking down at Bakugou's feet.

"Nice catch dude! That was incredible!"

Bakugou looked down and saw the unexpected.

Kirishima laid on the ground with the football in his hands.


He stood up happily and tossed the ball back to the other blonde.

"You here for football?"

"Nah, volleyball though!"

"Ah I see, you'd be great on the team though." The blonde male held out his hand. "The name's Mirio Togata!"

Kirishima shook first then Togata held out his hand to Bakugou who shook it lazily.

"I'm Kirishima!"

Bakugou looked away, he didn't really have time for this.

"I'm guessing you're both rookies."


"It's what we call new students!"

"Ah, makes sense!"

Both of them were way too happy, it was gross.

"U-Um.. Mirio.." A black haired male spoke as he walked up with a girl that had light blue hair. "You m-might end up making them l-late for the m-meeting.."

"Ah right! This is Tamaki and Hadou! It was nice meeting both of you, hope to see y'all around!" Mirio waved and walked away with the other two.

Bakugou started walking again, not wanting to be late.

"Aw not even a thank you?" Kirishima sped up to his side. "Or a 'good to see you again'?"

"Fuck off, Shitty Hair."

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